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Clarke pushed the door open, slamming one of the Skaikru warriors into the wall as the strongest of the grounders started running at them, taking them down in an instant. Out of the corner of her eye, Clarke saw the Azgedian she previously talked to run away as he pressed the emergency button. ''Let him flee! Let's go!'' Clarke called out, angry at the man. The grounder prisoners followed Clarke down the stairs as she closed a giant metal door behind them, entering a decontamination room as the door clicked behind them, locking itself as the air around them swirled. The door unlocked and they continued. Clarke looked back into the window in the door and saw a bunch of Azgedians looking her straight in the eye, anger evident in them. She hurried the grounders through the mineshafts and helped some of them that stumbled. They were halfway through the tunnels when Clarke's eyes searched for Luna, yet she was nowhere to be found. She stopped running and so did the grounders, catching their breaths. ''Where is Luna?'' Clarke asked and the grounders started to look around, she knew that Luna was important to them somehow, and she still had to figure out how. In the same exact moment Clarke placed the question, there could be a war cry heard. She saw the grounders tense as they readied themselves to fight. ''Run ahead! I'll save her!'' Clarke ordered them, not giving them room for arguing. ''Wanheda, we fight by your side.'' One of the men called out, getting ready to fight. ''If you're on my side, then this is an order, go! Me and Luna will catch up.'' She stated as the man reluctantly nodded, leading the grounders out of the mineshafts. Clarke gave them one last glance as she unsheathed her swords, running towards the noise hoping they did not capture Luna again.

Clarke ran for at least two minutes until she rounded a corner, seeing a group of the traitors from Skaikru and Azgedians together, tazing Luna as she laid on the ground in shackles, trying to get away from them. They noticed Clarke as she got to kill at least two of them before they charged at her. That gave Luna time to regain her composure and she tried her best to fight. ''Just run! I'll hold them off!'' Clarke called out to Luna and she didn't try to argue as she knew better than to complain in this situation. Clarke heard a low chuckle come from the Azgedians since they understood her. There were at least ten of them running at her as she tried her best to hold them off. When she saw Luna out of her sight, she started running too. Clarke caught up to Luna in a few minutes and she saw her limping. ''Hey, rest here, we lost them.'' Clarke exclaimed, needing to catch her breath as well. ''You for sure have a courage, Wanheda.'' Luna exclaimed, out of breath as she clutched her side, wincing in pain. Clarke chuckled, ''That's what the title is for, ain't it?'' She replied jokingly, making Luna give her a weak smile. They sat there for a good five minutes until she heard loud footsteps. ''Run and don't look back.'' Clarke stated, leaving no room for arguments as Luna nodded. The footsteps were getting louder and Clarke stopped, giving Luna time again to run.

At one point that Clarke can't really recall, she got lost in the tunnels... She rounded a corner and bumped into a tall strong man, she looked up into his eyes, swallowing the lump that formed in her throat. There, besides him stood at least five Azgeda warriors. She turned around to run but was met with the previous group that was running after her. All of sudden, she felt a sharp pain rush through her head, knocking her unconscious as everything went pitch black.


''What the fuck do you mean she was right behind you and you lost her?!!'' Thyra started yelling as she gripped Luna by the collar of her ripped shirt, not caring that she didn't see the girl in years. ''I- I don't know... she told me to run and to not look back.'' Luna whispered, her weakened state not allowing her to say more. She took a deep shaky breath, feeling guilty about leaving Clarke in the tunnels. Thyra sighed and let her go, ''I apologize, it's not my right to yell at you like this.'' She whispered for only Luna's ears to hear. ''We're going in. They want war? They'll get one...'' Thyra exclaimed to the warriors that were waiting in the tree line. ''General, they still have active atomic bombs that could wipe the entire humanity, if there's no one left, we can't do much.'' Indra stated. In the same exact moment, a reaper ran out of the mineshafts, slamming Luna's body into the ground. Lincoln instantly jumped into action, stabbing the grounder in his head, the weight of his dead body dropping onto Luna's, making it hard for her to breathe. Lincoln pulled the dead reaper off of Luna as she silently thanked him.

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