Because you love her

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I'm not a doctor or anything, meaning I had made some stuff up so don't bash me, it's still a sci-fi story after all... But, enjoy reading.. :)


Lexa shut her eyes tightly as she checked Clarke's pulse once more. Her mind stopped at the exact moment she felt absolutely nothing.. She stood up and rushed over to the table where Abby left the drug, but it was nowhere to be seen.. Lexa looked behind the table, under it, but it was nowhere. Then she remembered it was in a locker that had a lock on it so no one would use it... but then again there was no time on finding the key so Lexa hit it with her sword a few times until it gave up and broke.

Rummaging through the stuff that was in the locker, Lexa was desperate and she knocked over some glass tube in the process, cutting herself accidentally as she ignored it, searching for the red liquid.

It was then she halfly released a breath that she didn't know she was holding when she found it sitting there, hidden. She swiftly tapped the needle as she almost sprinted the two meters distance to Clarke, swiftly kneeling in front of her. She took a deep breath and rolled the sleeve of Clarke's shirt up, preparing mostly herself for it, knowing she would have to chain Clarke up again.

She took a deep breath again and slowly inserted the needle into Clarke's arm, letting the liquid flow through Clarke's veins, spreading throughout her body as it jolted awake, Clarke gasping as she felt the unbearable pain of the drug once again, all over her body. This time, it was without the shocks she would get into her body, but the pain was better than death in this moment.

Clarke's body went limp after a few seconds and Lexa checked her pulse. Relief washed over her when she felt a quickened pulse, knowing that it was the drug in her system causing it. Lexa held Clarke's unconscious body by her waist up and chained one of her wrists, then another, until she saw how Clarke swiftly woke up, struggling against the chains as the drug kicked in.

Her eyes were once again void of emotion. Lexa stepped back as Clarke trashed her body in an attempt of kicking the Commander or freeing herself, but it was no use.

Lexa's back slid down against the metal wall of the dropship as she pulled her knees up to her chest, leaning her head against the wall as she closed her eyes tightly, letting everything sink in. Letting her actions sink in. She knew that the commanders would haunt her for this, not let her get enough sleep.

Lexa had promised herself once that she would never hurt Clarke again after Mount Weather, yet there she was, almost breaking down at the fact that she hurt the girl she loves once again.

She opened her eyes and looked at Clarke who was a few meters in front of her, the emotions in her eyes were now clouded by the bloodlust she was feeling, all she wanted to do was kill the Commander and everyone in her way, but the restraints were blocking her from doing so.

Lexa leaned her head against the metal wall once more as her restless slumber took her over, letting the darkness consume her into the world full of nightmares that would haunt her till the end of her days.

In fact, Lexa was not able to sleep at all. The image of her inserting the needle into Clarke's forearm kept replaying in her head, the commanders were doing this on purpose. Well Sheidheda mostly, enjoying the pain she felt as he kept repeating the old phrase 'love is weakness' which she tried her best to ignore, yet it got to her eventually.


''It's been a whole week now.. they should've been here and Clarke was supposed to be alright, where are they?'' Octavia asked, looking out of the window. ''I just hope that bitch didn't give up on us, or I'll bring her back to life and kill her again.'' Raven added from the couch she was laying on, trying to lighten up the mood as Thyra chuckled, ''We can't win the war without her, Lexa can't...'' Thyra sighed out loud. ''What do we do if Azgeda eventually attacks and we're without Lexa? She won't leave Clarke's side..'' Octavia spoke up, rubbing her temples from the frustration she was feeling. Thyra stood up from her chair and put her arm around Octavia as she pulled her closer in a comforting motion, placing a kiss on the side of her head. ''Do that when I'm not in the room, I'm begging you.'' Raven fake gagged and Octavia shot her a middle finger, which she only laughed at.

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