Are you really trustworthy?

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It was an hour and half later when Clarke arrived at the gates of Polis. The guards wore shocked faces as they swiftly opened the gates when they saw Clarke's enraged expression. Clarke and Hades took off running through the alleys of Polis, making her way to the main road that led straight to Lexa's tower, yet the streets were weirdly empty. Clarke might have been too late, and Abby might've been right. Clarke might not catch up to them in time.

On the main road, there were normal citizens, all of them were watching lost and angry Wanheda, no one daring to approach her. She cantered with Hades through one of the markets until she saw Lexa's new fleimkepa in the far distance, Gaia.

She approached her swiftly, dismounting whilst Hades was still trotting, as she caught up to Gaia whilst she was on her way to the tower. ''Gaia!'' Clarke called out and she saw Gaia's body freeze. She turned around with a surprised expression, ''Wanheda, what are you doing here? Heda- everyone thought you were dead.'' Gaia spoke as calmly as she could. ''De- dead? I was only in a coma...'' Clarke replied, eyebrows knitted together. ''Not many people have survived coma on Earth. In fact, only ni-...I have a proposal..'' Gaia stopped mid-sentence, her eyebrows furrowing, she didn't remember Heda telling her about Clarke being a nightblood. Clarke only nodded as she waited for Gaia's proposal.

''May I cut you?'' Gaia asked. In her time on Earth, Clarke thought she had heard the strangest things, but this one beat it. Clarke cocked an eyebrow. ''I have to check something.'' Gaia explained herself as Clarke rolled her sleeve up a little. Gaia carefully took a knife out. Clarke was getting impatient and grabbed the knife from Gaia's hands, slicing a bit of her skin. Gaia's and Clarke's both immediately widened at the sight.

Clarke is a nightblood.

''What?!'' Clarke asked as if she would get answers. ''I- how is that possible?'' Gaia asked as she mumbled some kind of a prayer. ''Gaia. I would love to continue this, and I have a theory. But I have a war to attend.'' Clarke exclaimed like it was the most normal thing she had ever said. ''Right, I apologize for taking up your time, head to the Azgeda borders, you might arrive just on time if you run as fast as you can. Stay safe on your travels.'' Gaia exclaimed with a bow of her head before she bid Clarke goodbye, who was already mounting Hades, not daring to look back as she kicked his side, only a cloud of dust behind them.

All eyes were on her, but she had to get there, fast.


The sun had now set and ahead of them was a war that they would win, but until the early morning, they still had time to either train or to get ready mentally. Least to say, Lexa was not mentally ready. It felt so wrong, because she was fighting since her early age, but then one blonde made her way into Lexa's life, and everything changed.

Lexa was now sitting by a bonfire with her back pressed against a fallen tree. She was all alone as everyone knew better than to disturb the Commander before war. Thyra jumped over the tree and landed next to Lexa, plopping down on her left. ''Abby has contacted me.'' Thyra said, looking straight ahead. Lexa was immediately pulled out of her thoughts as her head snapped towards Thyra, and her face lit up. But that disappeared as fast as it came because she didn't see any excitement in Thyra's face. Lexa stayed silent, not daring to ask the question. ''She's not dead, the signal is just worse than before. All I've heard was Clarke and the word hurt, which doesn't sound good at all.'' Thyra sighed out loud, disappointment in her eyes. Lexa decided to stay silent, her voice betraying her would be the worst at this point.

She took a deep breath and stood up, wanting to get fresh air from this heavy atmosphere. She had waited at the treeline, waiting for Thyra to follow her, and she did. After some time of walking, they arrived by a small lake that stretched out far into the forest. Lexa stopped on the shore, watching the moonlight reflect on the calm waters.

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