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Clarke shifted in her bed, rolled over and felt soft, warm furs wrapped around her, she tried to stretch her limbs but everything ached, there was a throbbing pain in her right forearm and then she remembered everything that happened in the past... day?

Her eyes slowly fluttered open as she blinked the sleepiness away, feeling much more rested than she had ever been. She looked around and remembered this as the tent of the Commander. Then she saw her, the all mighty, scary and intimidating Commander, looking very much tense with her back to Clarke, staring at her maps. ''Do you ever do anything else than... this?'' Clarke said with a still hoarse voice, which startled Lexa. Clarke just chuckled and laid her head back into the soft furs. ''Other than saving you, not really.'' Lexa turned around and gave Clarke a light-hearted smile, which Clarke gladly returned.

''How do you feel?'' Lexa added as concern took over her features, walking over to where Clarke was now laying. ''Like I've been shot.'' Clarke chuckled lightly and grimaced right after, pain taking over her body. Lexa just gave her a small but deadly glare. Clarke's eyes widened. ''What about the Trikru warrior? Is he alright? Is he alive? Did he make-'' Clarke was swiftly interrupted, ''He's not going to survive another night I worry, You did the best you could, Clarke.'' Lexa gave her a sad smile as Clarke shot up from the bed, not seeming to care that she was in her undergarments and quickly started dressing up. Lexa swiftly looked away as she felt the blush creep up her neck. Clarke never failed to amaze her.

When she was about to put her shirt on, she winced in pain and groaned softly. She rubbed the back of her neck. ''Could you give me a hand, Beja(Please)?'' Clarke exclaimed and before she was done asking, Lexa was by her side, already helping her. Clarke was trying her best to suppress the warmth feeling that began to spread in her chest as Lexa helped her buckle the last piece of armor. Clarke walked swiftly out of Lexa's tent with Lexa trying to keep up with Clarke, worrying a little. Just then she had noticed that Lexa wasn't able to keep up so she slowed down her pace. After all, it was the Commander, she should show some respect, and Lexa knew it too, she just knew that Clarke was stubborn.

Clarke entered the tent with Lexa, Nyko already being by their side, telling them about the warrior's vitals, mostly to Clarke though, Lexa wasn't much of a doctor herself. Clarke examined the warrior and checked his injuries, when she was done, she sighed out of stress, rubbing her hands together in frustration. Lexa wanted to comfort her right there, but she knew she couldn't be weak around her warriors, even though her heart ached for the blonde, she couldn't.

There was a moment of silence before the warrior started shaking. ''He's seizing! Nyko, I need your assistance, now!'' Clarke called out. Lexa moved away as she knew that she would be no help. ''Help me put him on his side, we have to keep his airways clear.'' Clarke added and Nyko obeyed. She then loosened the clothing around his neck that was choking him. Clarke looked at her dad's watch, surprised they were still working. One minute, it had already been one minute. Suddenly, the warrior went limp. Clarke checked his pulse and her eyes widened, it was almost gone. She quickly pulled a metal electric baton that they used on ark, she knew why she had kept it for so long with her. Grounders and electricity. They seriously have some issues.

She brought the baton to power and put it against his chest. Nothing. She tried again. No results. She tried again and he gasped for air. Third time's the charm. Clarke internally cheered and sighed. The warrior grabbed her by her shoulders and started murmuring something in Trigedasleng, muttering under his breath that only Clarke could hear. Her expression went from successful to horrified in seconds. Lexa's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and worry, Nyko's expression went into worry too.

The warrior's body went limp and Clarke stood there dumbfounded, glued to the ground. Confusion turned into fear, fear turned into sadness, sadness turned into rage. ''They have Raven, Octavia and my mom.'' Clarke whispered for only Nyko and Lexa to hear, her voice cracking in the process. Clarke's vision clouded and her breathing got faster. Nyko told Lexa to go take her into her tent, reassuring her that he would take care of the now dead warrior with a sad smile.

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