The Mountain

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As she was cruising through the dark forests of Earths' lands, she wondered on why Lexa didn't protest with Clarke's decision.

Even though Clarke had already made her decision clear, she didn't know what to think, but then again, Lexa knew how much these three people meant to Clarke and the best thing she could do was let her do the thing she does best, save everyone.

Clarke was near, she felt the tension in the air around her, and Hades stiffened too, she wasn't really worrier about herself, she was worried about Hades, what if something happened to him while he waits in front of Mt. Weather? Hades huffed and Clarke knew that it was a comforting huff, she knew he would run to safety as soon as she enters Mount Weather, curiously watching from the shadows of the forests.

They arrived at the back of Mount Weather, Clarke gulped, hard. The memories tried to resurface but she pushed them to the back of her head, not the time for this.

She saw a vent but she would have to climb a bit.

She dismounted Hades and told him to go, reassuring him that she will be safe. She buckled her weapons and armor in place and started climbing, from rock to rock, her hands slipping all the time. She was getting frustrated now, this wouldn't get her anywhere. She saw the cracks in the rocky wall and decided to climb by using her two arrows, she used it to her advantage and she was there in no time.

Clarke kicked the vent open and it echoed. Fuck.

She hoped no one heard that, or she was doomed already. As she was crawling through the vent she heard muffled screams somewhere, yet she couldn't make out from where it was coming, it was from all directions. She was sweating now, the vent was too hot, so she decided to jump down into empty room, it was all white, reminding her of the trauma that she had experienced in there. Shivers ran through her body.

There were crackles from the walkie talkie she had, right on time.
"Clarke? Do you hear me?"

"Yes, Bellamy, I do."

"We recieved a signal from Raven. They're on the third floor."

"Alright, I'll be heading there, won't be able to talk."

"Oh and Clarke-"


"Be safe."

"I promise." She said as she turned the walkie talkie off, putting it back to her belt.

She rammed the white corridors, going down the ladder to the third floor, the smell of death distancing from her, she just hoped that going to the fifth floor won't be necessary.

She got to the third floor, and quietly observed everything around her, just go with our plan, that's all she repeated in her head. She peeked around the corner and there were around five of them ramming the corridors, well this doesn't go as planned for sure. She looked around for the vent she was supposed to see but it was nowhere to be seen. Fuck.

What the hell went wrong? Let me tell you, a lot did. Fuck the plan. She threw a smoke bomb in the corridor and quietly but swiftly ran towards the danger. She slashed one of the Maunons men and stabbed the other one in his stomach. That's two, three to go.

They were now coughing so Clarke had the 'high-ground' against them, she outsmarted them and covered her face up to her nose with only her eyes being seen.

One of the men saw her and attacked blindly, so she tripped his feet and he fell, idiots. The second man fell over the first one, she was even wondering why they needed a plan for this and how come they survived this long.

She stabbed two other men and one was remaining, the smoke had now cleared out and she had a clear shot, so she let her dagger fly freely. As the dagger hit the man's neck, he started choking on his own blood and it splattered over the floor. This was pretty easy. Well... that was until she noticed. The pool of blood hadn't been the Maunons... it was Clarke's. She was so caught up in fighting that she didn't notice one of them had a gun and fired it, and she now just noticed the ringing in her ears. She gasped for air as she held pressure to her stomach that was leaking blood. She hissed and leaned against the wall and slid down, she heard a banging on door that was very close. She got up and with the help of her leaning against the wall, she hobbled over to the door, but it was the wrong door, she was screwed. It felt so long yet so quick, it felt so far but so close, she blindly searched for the loud noises but it was all around her, her head was spinning and she was about to pass out, her vision was hazy and she was stumbling down the corridor when she finally found the door she was looking for, Octavia, her mom and Raven were just behind these doors. They were banging on the door and it was irritating Clarke, her head was ringing and everything was louder.

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