Urgent news

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A/N: Hello! I'd just like to add that if there is ever a speech written in italic, it means the people are speaking in trigedasleng as it it easier for me than to make up words, lol! But of course there will be parts of the text the trig is written in the way I have done till now. That's all, have fun reading!

''Heda! It had been reported that some of the Skaikru sided with Azgeda and took over the Mountain!'' One of the guards came in, opening the double door to the throne room. He was out of breath as he rushed up the Polis towers stairs as fast as he could. Lexa immediately tensed and gripped her throne until her knuckles turned white. ''Do we have any more information, Angus?'' Lexa asked, trying to stay as calm as she could. ''Yes, they appear to have access to the missiles with the help of Skaikru.'' Angus replied, bowing in respect as he was asked to leave. Lexa was fuming, the rage inside her boiled. That was until she felt a hand on her shoulder. Clarke's hand. ''This is an act of war, Clarke. My people will want war with Skaikru if the message gets out.'' Lexa said, rubbing her temples as Clarke squeezed her shoulder in a comforting way. ''I'll go to Arkadia and get to know what the hell is going on there.. Then I'll report to you.'' Clarke sighed, sad to be leaving Lexa. ''I'm coming with you.'' Lexa replied, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked up at Clarke, as if she didn't count with her coming. ''Lexa, your people will get suspicious if you leave Polis, especially now. You have important meetings. I'll take Thyra with me.'' Clarke stated, not about to change her mind, for the sake of Lexa's life. Clarke looked at her with raised eyebrows, waiting for Lexa to protest. But she never did. Instead, she chuckled, ''You know, I can't seem to protest against your decisions, Wanheda.'' Lexa said out loud. ''It's my charm.'' Clarke replied with a smirk, puffing her chest with a joking smile.

''I think I should be on my way though...'' Clarke trailed off, not wanting to leave Lexa as she felt her hand being squeezed softly. ''We should discuss the plan whilst you pack your stuff.'' Lexa said, standing up as Clarke followed her into the Commanders chambers. Clarke was starting to pack and Lexa came into the room, ''I have alerted Thyra, she's coming with you as well as the other Skaikru warriors.'' Lexa said firmly, dropping her commander mask again. ''What about the Skaikru ambassador?'' Clarke asked out of curiosity, realizing they had never even decided on one. ''Octavia insisted on taking this part, you do not have to worry about this.'' Lexa replied just as Clarke was done packing. ''Your horses should be ready as well. I will send some of my warriors from TonDC to Arkadia as to protect the innocent.'' Lexa continued, the formality in her voice showing. ''Lexa?'' Clarke stopped and turned to look at Lexa. ''Yes, Clarke?'' Lexa stood in front of Clarke, something gleaming in her eyes. ''Thank you...'' Clarke said whilst looking directly into Lexa's emerald eyes. ''It's my duty.'' Lexa said, looking down for a while, looking back up in a matter of seconds. ''No, I mean.. for everything.'' Clarke trailed off as she thought back to the moments she had spent with Lexa the past days, making her the absolute happiest if it weren't for a war brewing. But after all, this is Earth, nothing new here. ''I- of course.'' Lexa said, her cheeks flushing red as she smiled a little.

Thyra bursted into the room, almost tripping over her feet in the process. She stopped, looking between the two. Her mouth dropped when she saw the sight of Lexa. ''Did you just make the Commander blush? Scoring hard, Clarke.'' Thyra spoke up with a hint of smirk on her face as Clarke mouthed a small 'I know', making Thyra cackle. ''Ever heard of knocking?'' Lexa asked with a sarcasm in her tone, interrupting Thyra's laughter as she tried to hide her blush.

''I apologize, It's urgent.'' Thyra snapped back into her serious tone. Clarke always wondered how they did that, she was beyond impressed. ''Speak.'' Lexa said out loud, clearing her throat. ''Azgeda caught some of our warriors as well as Skaikru, threatening to make them into reapers if they didn't get a full power over the coalition.'' She said, a small bit of sadness showing in her voice. ''Where did they get the injections? I thought they got destroyed..'' Clarke added, wondering. ''We do not know yet, but we should get going.'' Thyra said firmly as Clarke nodded, striding out of the Commanders chambers, strapping her armor and swords in place on their way down to the base of the tower.

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