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My apologies for not posting for such a long time! I've kind of had a hard time, so here is a long awaited part 33 or so. Have fun reading!


Clarke's eyes shot wide open, sitting up so quickly her head spun she had to hold herself up to not fall over. She looked down at her hands, her breathing was uneven and very fast, but after a while, she calmed down. She touched her face as if to check if she was real, and then pinched herself. She yelped when she felt real pain, and her body relaxed, mostly.

She was alive. She did it.

Clarke quietly cheered, but this was far from over. She looked over to a spot where her father had been previously standing, just to find his watch that he gave her long ago on the ground. Clarke carefully stood up, only to fall down as her muscles failed her from not moving for too long, she should've realized. She stood up again, her legs were wobbly like she was some kind of youngling, and it frustrated her.

So she decided to crawl towards the watch as she picked it up, and crawled back over to her bed, sitting on it as it took her at least five minutes to get up. She sat up on her bed, watching the watch as it turned. Her eyes widened, they haven't been working for at least two years now. Her eyes must've been playing with her. But then it got to her. It must've been her dad's presence, so she held the watch to her heart as she smiled warmly, closing her eyes shut.

Her eyes opened in shock again when she heard a metal falling onto the ground, but she was relieved to see her mother, and a tray of food now on the floor. ''Clarke.'' Abby breathed out, rushing to her daughter as she engulfed her in a hug. Clarke flinched at the touch and Abby felt it, swiftly jerking away from Clarke. ''I'm so sorry, did I hurt you, are you alright?'' Abby asked, reaching with one of her hands to caress Clarke's cheek, but Clarke visibly panicked so she retracted her hand. ''You're alive.'' Abby breathed out as tears spilled out of her eyes. Clarke only nodded. ''Where's Lexa?'' She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. ''She's in Polis... having important matters at her hands.'' Abby replied, swallowing nervously.

Clarke decided to stay silent, she knew what those matters were, and she knew that if her mother knew, she wouldn't let her go there. But what she didn't know was that Clarke felt so much stronger than before, maybe it was some leftover from the drug, but she still felt strong.

Abby decided to get Clarke more food whilst she cleaned the leftover of the broken plate that she dropped from the shock she felt when she saw Clarke awake. Clarke was eating whilst Abby was sitting on the edge of her bed, waiting for Clarke to finish whilst she cherished her daughter's presence. ''I need to train.'' Clarke stated firmly. ''Yes you do, but slowly.'' Abby spoke up. ''No, I'm going to Polis in one week and you cannot stop me.'' Clarke said harshly, for which she immediately apologized for. ''I won't stop you, Clarke.'' Abby said calmly, and that's what confused Clarke the most. Abby wouldn't have been so calm about Clarke going into a warzone, something isn't right, and Clarke will have to know what it means, but she decided to stay silent for now.


''It's been a month and two days and you're telling me Abby still hasn't informed you?'' Lexa asked angrily, her sword clashing against Thyra's. ''For all I know, Clarke could be already awake.'' Thyra replied calmly as she blocked Lexa's blow. ''Or dead.'' Lexa replied with a clenched jaw, her sword sending sparkles flying at the clash. ''Or on her way here.'' Thyra replied reasonably. Lexa sheathed her sword and called out, ''Go get your rest, warriors, we march at the Azgeda borders tomorrow!'' She yelled out loud as the rest of the warriors finished their training.

''Lexa, you can't win a war whilst you're overwhelmed by emotions.'' Thyra said, catching up to Lexa who was already on her way back to Polis. ''I am not overwhelmed, especially not by emotions.'' Lexa replied, looking straight ahead of her. ''You will lose, please listen to me.'' Thyra practically begged. Lexa turned around swiftly and threatened, ''I do not lose!'' She hissed at Thyra, who just put her arms up in surrender, staying silent. The rest of their walk to Polis was silent whilst Lexa's head was a raging storm.

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