Healers duty

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Clarke's eyes fluttered open and she squinted her eyes as her head pounded, she tried to move her sore muscles and stretched her limbs, she was surprised when she was able to move, meaning they didn't take her in as a prisoner, well, that's new.

She propped herself on her elbows and looked around, she was in a healer's tent, there were some occupied beds around her, but her eyes searched for Thyra. When they found her, calmly sleeping in some of the beds, she felt relief wash over her and she sighed when she saw healer coming Thyra's way, putting something on her burns. When the healer turned around, Clarke recognized him as Nyko and she frowned.

''You're finally awake, Wanheda.'' He said in a stern voice with a slight tone of nervousness,

Clarke furrowed her brows at the nickname and her nose scrunched, ''Just Clarke.'' She gave him a small smile which he returned and continued, ''You should be okay, no injuries, just exhaustion, so take it slow please.'' He said and Clarke nodded as she got out of the bed, put on her armor and went over to check Thyra,

''What is this that you put on her burns?'' Clarke asked out of curiosity,

''It's a recipe made by me, there are loads of herbs that has proved themselves to be quite useful.'' Nyko said with a softness in his tone and Clarke nodded. She then took a look at Thyra's stabbed leg, frowning at it, it was perfectly taken care of, but it has needed to be rebandaged, so Clarke took it into her own hands. When she was done, she saw Nyko glancing her way sometimes, ''You seem skilled as a healer, Clarke.'' He said,

''My mom taught me a thing or two, it has proven to be quite useful in saving lives actually.'' Clarke responded and Nyko chuckled, ''You could help out here sometimes, if you want to.'' He asked with a hope in his voice, ''I'll consider your offer, thank you.'' She said with a genuine smile.

Clarke slowly walked from the healers tent, squinting her eyes at the bright light that pierced her eyes. She took a look around the village, getting glances here and there, but they were not scared or hateful... they were, grateful? Clarke frowned when a group of little kids came up to her and she squatted on their level,

''Are you Wanheda?'' One of the kids asked, his eyes were shining, admiring the warrior in front of him,

''I am, goufa(child).'' His smile widened at the nickname and he continued,

''Thank you for bringing the Maunon(Mountain men) down.'' He said and giggled when Clarke ruffled his hair, the group of kids shouting 'Wanheda' as they ran off. Of course Lexa saw the interaction between Clarke and the children, she smiled inwardly, glad that Clarke didn't spot her.

Clarke stood up and straightened her posture as Indra approached her, the all familiar stern and intimidating look on her face, but her second was nowhere to be seen, Clarke frowned at that.

''The Commander would like to see you, Wanheda.'' Indra said and Clarke nodded, making her way towards the Commanders tent, but she was held back by Indra's sword being pointed to her throat, nothing new. ''If you do one move to hurt the Commander, I will hunt you down myself.'' Indra said and Clarke knew she was serious and nodded again.

A guard opened the tent flaps for Clarke to go through, making her way towards the throne, straightening her posture. In front of her sat the Commander of the twelve clans, the one who made her heart beat fast, the one who she has fallen for.

''So we meet again, Commander.'' Clarke said with a certain venom, hiding the hurt in her voice, she could see the pain in Lexa's eyes.

''Clarke.'' Lexa said out with an obvious worry in her eyes, letting go of her Commander mode, she stood up and made her ways towards Clarke. Clarke didn't move from her position as the Commander stood few feet from her.

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