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The following day, nothing much happened, Clarke was training but she couldn't stop thinking about what Thyra said to her. Betraying you at that mountain is one of her deepest regrets. She was confused, lost. Does Lexa really love her?

She tried getting her mind off of her, she exhausted herself, not this again. She wasn't about to become the monster she became again. Just when she was fighting another one of the warriors that came to face her, she beat him but then there was a loud shout coming from beside them,

''Em pleni! (enough!)'' A loud, strong voice and a powerful voice echoed through the village and everyone stopped, Clarke delivering the last kick to the warrior's chest making him fall as he was distracted.

Clarke glanced to her right and froze, it was Lexa's voice. Lexa, in her full gear, Commander's stoic face. She nodded at Clarke and signaled for Clarke to follow her and Clarke obeyed. She held her head high as she slowed her pace down for Clarke to catch up. Clarke was bewildered when Lexa led her to her tent. There in Clarke's tent, she finally stopped and turned around to face Clarke, letting go of her stoic posture, Clarke could see the worry in Lexa's eyes.

''You can't keep on doing this to yourself, Clarke, not again.'' Lexa said with an obvious worry and sadness in her tone. Clarke just dipped her head in disappointment. Then, Lexa did something that Clarke froze at. She put a finger on her chin and lifted her head up, examining Clarke's wounds from today. Clarke didn't know that she needed this, but she relaxed after a while.

''You're hurt, may I take care of you?'' Lexa asked with a certain shyness in her voice. Clarke gave her a small smile as approval. Lexa sat Clarke on her bed and took her shirt off, slowly, looking into Clarke's eyes for consent, when she saw that Clarke didn't mind, but she saw that she was avoiding her eyes. After a while of staring into Clarke's eyes, Clarke cleared her throat, looking amused with a slight shade of pink on her cheeks. That snapped Lexa out of her staring and she went back to cleaning Clarke's small cuts.

When she got to Clarke's face, she had a small cut above her left eyebrow, Lexa slowly cleaned it with a small cloth, Clarke felt Lexa's warm breath against her lips, their faces so close that their lips were almost touching, both of them blushing.

Their 'moment' was interrupted by Thyra stepping in, bringing dinner to them, they jumped apart and turned even more red when they saw Thyra smirking and looking amused, without a word, she left, chuckling on her way out.

Clarke slowly put her shirt back on and decided to keep her armor off already, deciding that she would sleep soon. Clarke sat down by the table, starting to eat when she noticed Lexa awkwardly standing there, how cute.

''Are you planning to eat or are you just gonna stand there?'' Clarke asked with a small laugh and Lexa cleared her throat lightly, dipping her head and sitting on the other side of the table. They sat in complete silence, yet, it wasn't tense, it was more of a comfortable silence.

When they finished eating, Clarke stood up and took Lexa's hand to stand up, she stood in front of her, eyes looking into each other. Blue meeting green, the sky meeting the ground. Clarke's breath hitched and she spoke up. avoiding Lexa's eyes, ''I forgive you.'' Lexa froze at those words and tears threatened to spill out of her eyes. Clarke now looked into Lexa's eyes, trying to meet hers but Lexa has dipped her head as she didn't wanna be seen crying.

Clarke cupper her face with her hands and lifted her head up slowly, she wiped Lexa's fresh tear with her thumb. ''I never meant to turn you into this.'' Lexa slowly repeated her words from yesterday. ''I know, It's okay, I know you didn't, Lexa, look at me, I'm here, aren't I?'' Lexa's eyes slowly found Clarke's and she could see the honesty in her eyes. ''I forgive you.'' Clarke whispered her words again as she planted a small, soft kiss on Lexa's lips, the kiss that meant more than words could describe, and in that moment, Lexa fell even harder for the girl in front of her. For the Skaigada(Sky girl).

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