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Clarke left Lexa's side as she had to do a big speech on the podium in front of her people, there were so many from different clans, all of those people accepted Skaikru into their coalition, it warmed Clarke's heart. Well, there wasn't one clan, Azgeda. As expected, they returned back into their territory, refusing to accept Skaikru as Clarke refused Nia's offer on their alliance.

''Tonight, we gathered here to welcome a new clan into our alliance. There shall be restored peace amongst us and you are all welcome to visit Skaikru as our new clan.'' Lexa said at the end of her speech, the people of all clans cheering as their Heda accepted Skaikru. If Lexa accepted them, then they would. This is a definition of a great leader, which suits Lexa pretty well.

All around the open space, there were loads of tables. All of them were filled to the top with food, and people laughed and danced. The atmosphere was light and filled with so many positive emotions. Clarke and Raven chatted in a quieter place, whilst Octavia and Thyra went into a dark valley, you can probably imagine the rest... Clarke swiftly pushed that thought into the back of her head. She was now leaning against a wall of a building, holding a drink in her hand that Raven handed her as she joined, sitting on an empty table and dangling her feet off of the edge.

Raven swirled the liquor that was in the cup and watched it carefully. ''Do you think they have better alcohol than us? If so, then I'm boutta get real offended.'' She spoke up. ''You'll never know if you don't try.'' Clarke replied as she shrugged, drinking from her own cup in one shot, as Raven did the same. Clarke coughed as she scrunched her nose from the burning feeling in her throat. Raven made a face whilst also coughing. ''Well now I'm offended. This shit is stronger than Monty's, he should up his game...'' Raven said whilst still coughing. ''One cup and I'm already feeling light-headed, damn.'' Clarke replied whilst blinking her eyes swiftly, feeling the warmth inside of her.

Clarke watched the crowd carefully as there was a group of at least 15 people making their way through, looking for someone. Clarke squinted her eyes as she felt the feeling that it was someone familiar, hoping that it wouldn't be any villain again.

The people came out of the crowd, making their way towards Lexa as she just finished her conversation with one of her generals(definitely not Thyra). Lexa warmly greeted them as she pointed over to Clarke's place, she furrowed her eyebrows. First of all, how did Lexa manage to acknowledge Clarke's position, and second of all, who were these people.

Clarke's eyes adjusted in the dark, seeing the dim light of the street bonfires flickering on their faces, and she gasped as she nudged Raven's side with her elbow. ''Look who came to visit.'' She spoke out loud as Raven's jaw dropped, she jumped off of the table as the people came to halt in front of them. In front of the two girls, there was Bellamy, Abby, Murphy and Miller as also some other people who wanted to join them. Clarke's mouth was open as she smiled, ''What are you doing here?'' She asked whilst her mother hugged her. ''Lexa invited us, you've brought us peace, Clarke.'' Abby said as she pulled away from the hug to let others greet Clarke as well.

They stood there, chatting for a while. ''Try this! You won't last a second.'' Raven came back, holding at least 8 cups. How the hell did she manage to do that?

She handed them out to everyone, including Clarke and herself as everyone gladly accepted. Raven and Clarke eyed each other as they watched others drink from the cups. They started coughing and the two girls laughed out loud, smirking at each other. ''Cheers.'' Raven said as she held out her cup, drinking half of the cup. ''I love this, give it to me.'' Murphy said as he coughed, stealing Bellamy's cup as he handed it out willingly. ''Monty should really step up his game.'' Miller said. ''Right?! That's what I'm sayin.'' Raven replied, laughing.

Out of the corner of her eye, Clarke saw Octavia swiftly striding over to them. Either she saw the alcohol or Bellamy, no in between really. Behind her, Thyra left halfway, on her way to Lexa. Octavia rushed to Bellamy's arms, hugging him as he gladly hugged back, happy that he saw his sister was alright. When they pulled away, Bellamy had a suspicious look on his face. ''Who was that?'' He asked. ''No one you have to worry about.'' Octavia replied, an evident smirk on her face. ''Wasn't Lincoln with you all the time?'' He asked, even more suspicious. Oh, Lincoln.... Long story short, Octavia thought it didn't feel right with him, she realized that when Clarke left, she thought that he could do better... and he did. He focused on his work, tattooing people with needles, though that didn't seem really hygienic, but not forgetting we're on Earth, almost everything here is unhygienic.

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