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Thyra was fully rested and ready for another war, hoping there would not be one when she woke up. She waited impatiently for afternoon to come so she could send a search party out. She was getting ready and strapping her daggers in just as she heard a commotion outside of her tent, so she went and looked out. She sprinted to the gates to meet Octavia already there, she gave her a nod as a greetings. "There is something in the woods, the guards are ready to shoot." Octavia said as she saw that Thyra waited for her to say something. "What if it's Clarke?!" Thyra exclaimed turning angry as she pushed through the crowd. "Open the gates!" She yelled at the guards and they eyed Abby as she stood not so far away. "We cannot do that." One of the guards said and Thyra restrained herself from punching him right there. "If I want to kill you in your sleep, I will." She whispered to him as she eyed Octavia, seeing she was on her side. She impulsively grabbed Octavia and held a dagger to her throat, as Octavia struggled, after few seconds getting what Thyra was going for and played along. "Open the gates, will you?" Thyra asked again as Abby nodded at the guard, worried.

The gates opened and Thyra with Octavia and the Trikru warriors ran outside, along with some of the Skaikru guards, they patiently waited as a big black figure has risen from the shadows, revealing Hades with a slumped body thrown over him. He neighed and swiftly walked towards Arkadia. "Lower your guns!!!" Thyra yelled out and the guards obeyed. She ran towards Hades when he was just in reach, almost crying out loud when she saw Clarke's lifeless body. "Healer! We need a healer! Abby!" Octavia took off running, searching for Abby as Thyra took Clarke in a bridal style into her arms and rushed with her to the med bay as she remembered where it was since Raven showed her earlier.

"You're stupid, scaring the shit out of me like that." Thyra whispered to Clarke's almost unconscious body as she chuckled a little with a sad smile on her face, she saw Clarke lift the corners of her mouth as much as her body allowed her to.

Thyra ran with Clarke's body through the corriods, running through the metal maze. She bursted into the medbay with Abby already running back and forth with everything ready. "Am I dead already." Clarke croaked out as her head slumped onto Thyra's shoulder, clinging onto her. She laid Clarke down and let Abby stitch her wounds back up, waiting for further instructions. After Abby was done and Clarke was sleeping she sighed and slumped down on a chair. "Her stubborn self will continue doing this until she kills herself." Abby voiced her thoughts as Octavia placed a comforting hand onto her shoulder. "She's strong, it's almost impossible to kill her, Chancelor, like mother like daughter." Thyra said with a proud smirk.

Abby left after some time, to get some energy and left the two of them along with a sleeping Clarke in medbay, it was empty so that gave them at least some privacy. Octavia got up and walked to the door, she stopped and turned around. "One more thing." She said as Thyra raised one of her eyebrows. "Would you like to go hunting with me sometimes, general?" Octavia asked, her voice almost cracking as she was quite of nervous. "Of course." Thyra said with a firm voice as she cleared her throat, almost dying inside. Octavia finally left and Thyra looked at the now awake Clarke that was staring her right into the eyes with raised eyebrows. "Do you have a crush?" Clarke asked with sore voice. "No- I- what does that mean again? Care to repeat?" Thyra mocked her, "Su-" Before Clarke could finish, Thyra called out "Shit! I forgot to update Lexa, she's coming for my head." Thyra said the first part, freaking out, at the second part, not so much. "Wait- Lexa's here?- nevermind then." Clarke said as Thyra sprinted out of the door, leaving Clarke all alone with a bewildered face.

Clarke was bored at this point and she sat up, trying to get up. "What do you think you're doing?" Raven's voice echoed through the room. "What does it look like I'm doing?" Clarke asked with a playful tone in her voice and they both laughed. Clarke tried to get up but hissed at the sudden pain. "Hey, I'm serious, you have to stay here at least for two days." Raven said as she walked up to Clarke and laid her back down. "You seriously have to stop getting injured." Raven said with furrowed eyebrows and Clarke grinned. "Well, it's a common thing here." Clarke replied as she eyed Raven's brace. "How's your leg?" She continued.

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