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Lexa had been in her tent, pacing back and forth for the last two hours. Thyra was peacefully sitting on the table, her eyes watching Lexa's fast pacing. ''Can you calm down? You're only making me more tense.'' Thyra groaned. ''Did you see her? She was on the brink of death, Thyra... This wasn't just 'clearing her head' kind of thing.'' Lexa turned to Thyra, contemplating. ''Well whatever that was, it's past us, we have to focus on Clarke waking up, her body is only exhausted.'' Thyra exclaimed, sighing as she swung her legs from the table. ''She had two broken ribs. That isn't from exhaustion, Thyra.'' Lexa replied dangerously, looking with threatening eyes at Thyra. She sighed, ''We'll know when she wakes up.'' Thyra said carefully. Lexa continued to pace from one side of the tent to another, listening to Thyra's words as she tried to be positive about the situation, failing to comfort Lexa miserably.

''Lexa! I mean.. Heda, mr. Commander! ... Whatever, Clarke woke up.'' Raven almost screamed, running into the tent breathless. Lexa immediately perked up, striding into Clarke's tent (She had her moved there for more.. peace), Thyra close behind her. Lexa entered the tent, seeing exhausted Clarke trying to sit up, hissing as she felt the pain in her ribs settle. ''Hey, let me help you.'' Lexa said softly, running to assist Clarke as she helped her sit up against the headboard. ''Hi.'' Clarke said, quietly to Lexa, waving to Thyra as well. Thyra cleared her throat, ''Glad that you're alive, Skaiprisa.'' She said, bowing her head as she left the tent to give them some privacy. Lexa sat down on the edge of Clarke's bed. ''I- I thought you died, Clarke.'' She said, looking down, finding her arms oh so interesting. Tears were brewing in her eyes, when did she get so sensitive?

''Lexa.'' Clarke tried once, twice, but got no response. She took Lexa's hands in hers, letting her feel the warmth coming from hers. ''Lex.'' Clarke tried, as softly as she could, even though her voice was hoarse. Lexa finally looked up into Clarke's eyes, green meeting blue midway. ''I'm here, and I'm so.. so sorry.'' Clarke said, a tear escaping her eye. ''What happened?'' Lexa asked, surprising Clarke with her tone. It was so... fragile.

Clarke swallowed hard when she remembered the events that she went through in the last.. she doesn't even know when that occurred. ''I- I was chased and almost killed by Emerson..'' Her eyebrows furrowed, as she winced at the pain that spread through her body, feeling all the wounds on her. ''What?!'' Lexa's eyes widened in shock. ''I watched him die! How is that possible?!'' She asked abruptly, rage rising in her chest at the mention of the last maunon.

And so Clarke explained.. Every last detail from how she got chased by Azgeda to her hallucination with Niylah until the late hours when everyone settled in and went to get their deserved rest. The two lovers sat in silence for a few minutes, Lexa processing everything Clarke just told her. ''Oh my Becca, why do you have to always be near death?'' Lexa asked lightly with a sadness in her voice. Clarke chuckled, immediately regretting as her ribs ached. ''I guess I'm lucky.'' She said smiling up at Lexa, who just raised an eyebrow at her, ''Un-lucky I said.'' Clarke corrected herself, laughing silently, seeing Lexa's features relax as she smiled at the blonde laying beside her. ''Can you help me into your tent? I don't wanna breathe the stench of death more than I have to already.'' Clarke asked with a hopeful tone. Lexa chuckled, ''It's you, you reek of death my love.'' She said teasingly as she put one arm around Clarke's waist and the other around her shoulders to steady her. ''Rude.'' Clarke mumbled as she limped with Lexa's help outside, breathing in the fresh air that earth offered her. She stopped and took a deep breath, looking around the peaceful camp, only a few of the guards here and there. Her eyebrows suddenly furrowed... ''Is he okay?'' She asked with hopeful eyes, turning her head to Lexa as her eyebrows furrowed as well until she realized who Clarke was talking about. ''Yes, Hades is safe and taken care of, you can go see him in the morning.'' Lexa said, placing a reassuring kiss on Clarke's temple until she felt her relax under her touch and they continued their path to Lexa's tent.

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