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Thank you all so much for 6k reads!! I appreciate it! I apologize for me not writing lately, but I don't really have much time since school started, but I will try my best!

Octavia woke up to the sound of horns all around their camp, which was mostly already packed except for a few tents, including hers. She rolled over to find an empty spot that was left not so long ago and she groaned.

She stood up and stretched her tense muscles, instantly feeling better until she remembered the day that was today. Either they survived and won, or died by Heda's side.

Octavia got dressed as she buckled up the last piece of her armor when she couldn't find her swords anywhere. She looked at the table and saw brand new, sharpened shiny swords that had carved the trikru mark in their blades. She took one into her hands and observed it carefully, knowing it was a gift from Thyra, she sheathed both the swords onto her back, instantly feeling much better when she felt how light the swords were, easier to move around with.

When she came out of the tent, everyone was already awake, so she headed to Heda's tent, which is still standing. The guard outside announced Octavia's arrival only to hear a strong voice come out from inside of the tent, ''Come in.''

Octavia closed the tent flaps behind her and when she turned around, she was met with Thyra comforting Lexa in a tight hug. She stood there awkwardly until Lexa pulled away and recomposed herself. She cleared her throat before speaking up, ''Octavia.'' She acknowledged her with a stoic face. ''Heda.'' Octavia slightly bowed. ''Please assemble all the Arkadians and make sure the guns are loaded, we meet in one hour.'' Lexa ordered, to which Octavia only nodded and with that, with one last look at Thyra, left.

Thyra turned back to Lexa. ''Those are some really expensive swords you gave her.'' Lexa teasingly said with a smirk. ''The best of the best for the lady.'' Thyra said, grinning. ''I'm happy for you, Tahi.'' Lexa said with a small smile. ''Woah, are you- are you showing positive emotions?'' Thyra fake gasped as she put her hand over her heart dramatically.

''Don't make me take it back and make you my Fleimkepa.'' Lexa raised an eyebrow, a hint of smile playing at her lips.

''You wouldn't.'' Thyra gasped. ''Oh I would.'' Lexa grinned. ''I'm quiet.'' Thyra dramatically replied. Lexa smiled as the true winner of this argument.

''Heda, we have to march in half an hour.'' Indra walked to the tent, bowing. ''Very well, prepare our horses.'' Lexa ordered and nodded at her, ''Sha, Heda.'' Indra replied before she left the tent.

''We do this together, Tahi.'' Lexa stated, turning to look at her sister. ''Together.'' Thyra said as she engulfed Lexa in a tight hug. They pulled away as they grabbed their swords and sheathed them into their holsters. Thyra looked at her bow and took it with her as well, since she only had one sword. ''Is that a brand new bow I see?'' Lexa asked. ''Jealous?'' Thyra asked with a smile. ''Maybe, the carving is beautiful.'' Lexa replied genuinely. ''I'll tell Clarke to get you one, don't worry.'' Thyra teased as Lexa's mind drifted back to Clarke. In fact, it never left the blonde. Lexa never got the message if she's awake though. She's probably lying in a coma back in Arkadia, safe from the dangers of the world.


Clarke was blindly running through the forests, the sun was already high up in the sky, the air was heavy with bloodshed as she tried her best to orientate in the forests, trying to find her way to Azgeda.

''Hades!'' She called out for the nth time, with no luck awaiting her whatsoever. Clarke was surprised that after an hour of running, she wasn't getting tired at all, in fact, she felt even stronger. She whistled again, but this time it wasn't Hades who came. She immediately knew she was close to Azgeda when a pack of wolves noticed her and started running at her. ''Shit.'' She muttered under her breath as she effortlessly started climbing the nearest tree. Unfortunately for her luck, one of the wolves caught her ankle and bit into it, which made Clarke scream in pain as the wolf hung, his teeth sunk into Clarke's ankle. She pulled a dagger out and threw it into his eye, making him yelp and drop immediately, giving her enough time to get away from the wolves' reach.

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