Chapter 105

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When he woke up, Leopold, Juli, and Fiete were not there. Frightened, he sniffed the air, but all he smelled were the strange plants. Where were they? Where was Juli? Where was his family? Whimpering softly, he curled up. Surely they were nearby, right? And if not? If they... Were gone? Forever?

Had he lost Julia? His friend. His sister. His family. His Juli!

You can't be gone! Juli! Don't leave me alone! Please. Come back!

Marko was still asleep and didn't notice Finn's panic. But his body was warm and... Finn blinked and turned around. Warm and naked. When did he transform back? Did I spend the whole night... next to him... like this?

His boyfriend hummed quietly in his sleep. Should Finn wake him up? Hesitantly, he shook his boyfriend's arm.

Marko blinked. "Finn...", he murmured.

"Marko!" Finn sniffled softly. "Juli is gone!"

"What?" Marko yawned. "Gone? She can't be gone... She's next to..." He rolled to the other side. "She's not next to me anymore! Where did she go? We talked and then..."

"Talked? When?" Finn clutched Marko's arm. "She can't be gone! Wait! You slept not only next to me, but also next to Juli NAKED?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Next to Juli?" Does Juli know about it? If not... Oh, dear... They talked... Then Juli knows that... But where is she? Juli! Where are you? Come back!

"I can't talk to her any other way... But... Fiete and Leopold are not here either..." Marko looked around. "We should wake up Peter."

Now Josefine woke up. She sluggishly recoiled and looked around searchingly. Irritated, she sniffed the air, just as Finn had done before.

"Your uncle is gone", Marko alerted her. "Do you know where he's gone? And Juli? And... The elf?"

"Gone?" Josefine pouted. "No. I can smell them. They come back here."

"They're coming back?" Finn breathed a sigh of relief. "You can smell them?"

"Yes, of course. I am a dragon..." The girl shrugged her shoulders and then shook Peter awake, as she wanted to get up, but he had put his arm around her. "Peter. Wake up!"

Meanwhile, the others in the group woke up. Shortly thereafter, two screams were heard.



The two children were missing. A tumult broke out. The adults searched for the two kids and made sure that no one else was missing. The absence of Juli, Leopold, and Fiete was quickly noticed. Josefine tried to explain that the missing were on their way back, but the panicked adults overheard her.

"Peter!", Lavinia, Gisele, and Liam approached him.

"Peter! Have you seen the children? Are they with your sister?", asked Lavinia pleadingly.

"They can't have disappeared!" Gisele hugged her girlfriend in panic. "They must be here somewhere!"

"We should look for them!" Liam snorted.

"I don't know where they are...", Peter murmured and looked around. " My sister disappeared too..."

"They're not gone. They're coming! From there!" Josefine pointed to a place densely overgrown with low bushes. And indeed, a while later they came out between the bushes.

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