Chapter 54

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The atmosphere at the breakfast table was icy. The Schmal family had already left and Fritz had accompanied them. Babette talked to the queen, who seemed very taken with the conversation. Peter had sat as far away from Babette as he could. But now he sat next to Torsten, who hardly noticed him. Instead, everyone else present paid a lot of attention to him. King Henry had complimented him on his nightgown, calling it an unusual choice.

Julia sat next to Lea and stared into her fruit tea, which a servant had poured her. The vampires were silent, but Queen Franka seemed to be waiting for something. Julia's mother's offer?

Marlon gave her sour looks, which seemed to amuse his sister. Julia ignored him. Unlike Peter, who tried to kill the vampire prince by just looking at him.

"Well, we still have important things to discuss!", announced Agathe after some time. Friedrich nodded and looked at the vampires with a nervous smile. He had previously talked with Babette's parents.

"Right!" The vampire queen suddenly seemed satisfied. "Do we want to talk about our future plans? We have made you a very good offer. A wedding between our children would only be beneficial. I know that my son is very fond of your youngest."

Peter's gaze darkened. "He tried to drink her blood against her will! Do you call that 'being fond off'?" he hissed.

Both queens blinked in surprise. "He did what?" Queen Agathe looked indignantly at the vampire prince. "How did this happen?"

"I'd also be interested in that. Are you alright, Julia?", her father asked.

She nodded. "My servants came to my aid. Nothing happened."

"Nothing happened? Your servants have threatened me! Because of something that is my right! Don't you think so?", said Marlon angrily.

"Are you sure?" His sister giggled softly.

"And how did you get that idea?", Julia's mother wanted to know. She barely hid her anger. "That it is your right?"

"Well, we do want our kids to get married, right?", the vampire king asked. "And nothing happened..."

"Well, my offer is not for my daughter!" Agathe looked briefly at her husband's illegitimate son, then at the vampire prince. "So no, he had no right. He generally had no right to do so! Luckily, my daughter has very good servants, otherwise, a disaster would have occurred, wouldn't it? Our conversation would be over now."

"What is your offer then?", asked Queen Franka.

Julia's mother smiled. "Well, as you know, we now have another prince. My husband's son. He is a smart young man and very ambitious." Her smile seemed condescending and hypocritical to Julia. "He would be a good match for your daughter. Julia's place is here, so I can't respond to your offer. But Torsten is an equally good choice."

"What?" Torsten looked taken by surprise. "I'm supposed to marry Princess Annemarie?"

Princess Annemarie also seemed surprised. Her gaze wandered over the young man and she looked at him with a smile. She gave her parents an approving nod.

"How wonderful!", Babette interrupted the silence that had settled over the room. "This is very exciting! Isn't it?" She looked at Peter. "Another wedding!"

Peter sighed softly.

"We agree with the offer", said the vampire queen. "In fact, we planned to look for someone suitable for our daughter and since she agrees, we don't see a problem."

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