Chapter 16

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Julia took her brother's letter. She hadn't read it yet. She just opened it. Her gaze wandered over the familiar, slightly scrawled writing. Here and there was a dark ink stain and some of the letters were slightly blurred.

She could imagine him well, sitting at his desk or in the library hastily writing the letter. Julia grinned.

'Hello dearest sister' was written there and Peter had drawn a star next to it. She made herself comfortable on her bed and began to read.

'Hello, dearest sister,

I miss you terribly.

Do you enjoy your time at the Academy? Do you already have a favorite subject? Surely it is not magic.

Do you remember when we dreamed of going to the academy together? I wanted to fail all the classes and repeat the school year until we could attend the academy together. I wish I could have pursued this plan. We could play tricks on the teachers together.

Have you already made friends?

Mother forced me to a tea party with witches willing to marry. Babette was there too. It was terrible. I very much hope I don't have to marry any of them.

When Mother asked me if I liked one, I said no. Truthful. I very much hope she leaves it at that. At least she didn't say anything about it.

But I'm not sure... In the end, she may plan to marry me to Sausage Babette.

That would be terrible. What should I do with Babette?

I cherish your necklace and wear it every day. I think she feels comfortable with me.

I hope to see you again soon.

Your favorite brother.'

Julia laughed. Sausage Babette. She would memorize the name.

Apparently, her letter had not yet reached Peter when he wrote to her. At least he didn't write anything about it.

She was tired. It had been a long, exhausting day. With her brother's letter on her pillow, next to her head, she fell asleep.

Julia woke up. A vision? What does it mean? A glance out of the window told her that the sun was just setting. She heard Sophie singing and pots clattering. Someone laughed. Finn? Yawning, she stood up. She desperately needed fresh air.

Leopold stood in front of her room door and swept. His blue-green dragonfly wings shimmered in the last sunlight. Teal. As in her vision... "Have you slept?" he asked with a smile. Julia liked his smile, even if it always looked a bit reserved. The uniform suited him well. "Your hair is all disheveled."

"Oh." She automatically smoothed her hair. "Yes, I slept." Her eyes wandered to the ground to hide the fact that she was turning a little red. "Thanks for sweeping." Thanks for sweeping? Don't be so clumsy, Julia. He's a servant, forget it... No matter how good he looks. Mom would go crazy... And he is a servant... I saw a kiss... No, forget it Julia. "I go outside. Would you like to accompany me?" she still heard herself ask. What are you doing, Julia... Leave it.

Leopold looked a bit taken by surprise. "Outside?"

"Yes?" She stroked her hair again. "Once I've put my hair in order..."

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