Chapter 63

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Three letters had arrived for her. One letter was from Fritz, the other from Julia's class teacher. The last letter was written by one of Cleo's soldiers. The Queen opened it first. The letter itself was very short: 'Your Majesty, the task is done.' The letter was signed with 'Ingo. First shadow of Princess Cleo.' The so-called shadows were a secret unit of her daughter, who specialized in performing certain tasks quietly and unnoticed. Few knew about them. The shadows also only used their first names, in case they were discovered. They left their past and their families behind to live a life in the shadows. They were particularly well-trained soldiers and mostly belonged to smaller noble houses.

Agathe smiled contentedly. So this woman was dead.

She opened the next letter. Fritz wrote that his assistant, along with a handful of healers, were able to trace the origin of the disease. The disease's origin was a healing spell gone wrong. The new disease had arisen from chickenpox. Since the new disease came from magic, it was impossible to cure it without it. Nevertheless, Fritz hoped that with medication for chickenpox the symptoms could be alleviated until healers arrived at those affected. Agathe was happy about this news.

The last letter, however, shocked her. The disease had broken out at the academy. However, her daughter had been spared because she and her servants had already been infected. Nevertheless, the academy had to mourn deaths. Furthermore, the teacher wrote about the school achievements of the young princess, which were mostly rather average. However, she had not improved in fencing and swordsmanship and riding seemed to be difficult for her. Agathe sighed. Her eldest had been excellent students... Why did her youngest have to be a mediocre student? Agathe held high importance to the fact that her children had good grades. And if the word should get around that the young princess was very bad at handling a sword? To travel with horses? That was embarrassing... Especially when Agathe was still toying with the idea of putting Julia at Cleo's side. As a user of great magic, Julia would certainly be able to cope without a weapon, but she should still master it, the queen decided. Maybe Julia was a late bloomer?

A fencing tournament was soon to be held at the academy, so the headmaster had not approved the excuse of the princess from classes. Agathe agreed. It was the perfect opportunity for Julia to develop some ambition. Although she would miss her brother's wedding... But Agathe was worried that Julia would make a scene. She was aware that Julia did not like the union between Babette and Peter. And Julia should not further strengthen Peter in his rebellion. Especially not right before the wedding. Agathe hadn't thought about the tournament, which was tradition when they decided on the date for the wedding. But it was certainly better this way.

Julia's progress in magic was also slow, but that was to be expected since she could not use her full magic yet. Finally, the teacher wrote of a rumor that he had heard of. The princess was in a relationship with her servant. A scandal!

Agathe had not expected this. A servant? Which one? One of the wolves, or the elf? A servant was not fitting for a princess. She considered visiting her daughter to talk about it, but decided against it. Instead, she wrote her a letter.

As a princess, Julia's job was to find a nobleman. No servant. But she was still young... Maybe she was just having fun?

She wanted an answer. From her daughter.


The painter proudly presented the finished painting. Babette looked at it with delight.

"It's wonderful!" She clapped her hands. "It will look good in our home! And Shooting Star looks really adorable!"

The painter had painted Babette a little slimmer than she actually was. Peter looked a bit more muscular in the painting but still like an annoyed ghost. Was he really that pale? He had to do something about it. Urgently!

A ghost with a silly bow on its head! He wanted the painting to disappear forever!

The painter smiled happily, while Babette exuberantly praised his achievement. The king also seemed pleased with the result and hired the painter for a painting of him and the queen. The painter could hardly believe his luck. Another painting! He would become rich? Peter could literally see the money sparkle in his eyes.

The painting was set aside in the living room of the von Steinhofs. Babette's stepmother covered it with a sheet so it wouldn't be damaged. She did not want to leave this task to a servant.

Babette pulled Peter into the garden, she wanted to talk to him privately. He unsuccessfully tried to escape her, but his father had pushed him to his future wife. It was raining outside, but Babette didn't mind. Unlike Peter, who looked at the falling raindrops disapprovingly.

"Shouldn't we rather talk inside? The rain makes my hair frizzy", he suggested.

"Such nonsense. Your hair won't get frizzy! And we can't talk privately inside. I think, now that the wedding is so imminent, we should discuss a few things, shouldn't we?"

"What exactly do you want to discuss?"

"Well, I was thinking of getting a personal, bounded servant."

"I don't think you need my permission for that."

"No, but it would be an appropriate wedding gift. From you to me, right?"

"You want me to gift you a servant?" Peter felt sick. He had never given much thought to the bound servants until he met Julia's servants, and saw Julia trying to give them their freedom back. It wasn't that he didn't care about the fate of the bonded servants, he had always found it unjust, but he had resigned himself to the fact that things were the way they are. But now, that he knew the talented Finn, the cheeky and funny Marko, and the reserved and self-confident Leopold, he did care.

"Preferably a female servant. She can help me get dressed. And then there is the issue of descendants. Two children, if they are witches or wizards? More if they turn out to be mortal? I would like to get the first two quickly after another. After that, we can take some time. But I don't want more than five children. We can look for nannies to raise the children for us."

"Babette?" He looked at her slightly annoyed. "I'm not interested in you! Not a bit! And I don't agree with the wedding."

She pouted angrily. "You're saying?"

"We won't have children together. Never! That's what I'm saying."

"You don't want to do your duty? Certainly not, Peter. Two children. If they are witches or wizards, I'll leave you alone with having more kids afterward! Our wedding will take place. Put up with it!"

He shook his head. "Babette."

But Babette was determined. "We should start right after the wedding. After all, you don't have that much time..." She smiled mildly.

"After the wedding, I want to visit my little sister. She can't come. A fencing tournament is held at the Academy. It's mandatory and mom wants Julia to attend. To improve!" She had told him this even before he had left for the von Steinhofs. Peter was disappointed. And how did Julia feel about it?

Babette wrinkled her nose. "That's out of the question! The Academy is not a place for mortals! And after the wedding, we will take time for ourselves! What would that look like? The groom disappears after the wedding to his sister. Do you want people to laugh at me?"

Why not? "You can come along." He hoped very much that she would refuse.

"What?" Babette turned pale. "That would be ridiculous! Just ridiculous! Oh no. After the wedding, we give a small reception to our friends in our new home and then we take time for ourselves. I've already invited my friends. On Monday, after the big wedding celebration Saturday and Sunday. Do you have friends you want to invite? I have never seen you with other nobles." She smiled arrogantly. In the meantime, the rain had increased. Peter felt thick raindrops running down his forehead. Babette had put on the hood of her fine, orange coat. Peter had no such protection.

"Let's go inside", he tried again. "I'm soaked!"

"As you wish." She wrinkled her nose.

(c: sasi)

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