Chapter 19

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She was happy.

Babette stroked her horse again before taking it to the stable. After that, she went to her room. Her stepmother had promised to go with her to Castle Town in the evening to order a wedding dress. She also needed a new ball gown.

She couldn't wait.

Finally, she would get married.

She had waited so long for this and now the date was set. There would be a big ball at the castle to celebrate her and Peter's engagement. She also needed a dress for that. She was in a hurry. The ball would take place in a week.

In a week, she would be known as Peter's fiancée. And soon afterward as Babette, Princess of Sonnenhof. Even as a child, she had dreamed of being called that.

Babette did not love Peter. However, she saw the benefit of that marriage. She would rise in the hierarchy, gain prestige and play an important role in politics. As a princess, she had more influence on things than a daughter of a baron. Babette dropped on her bed. Soon all her dreams would come true.

She didn't understand, why Peter did not seem to share her joy. So far, he had never shown anything but interest. It was also a mystery to her why he suddenly walked around with women's jewelry. It was silly. Very silly. Once they were married, she would match his wardrobe with hers. And she would make sure, that the silly jewelry disappeared.

She wouldn't let him make a mockery out of her. It was her destiny to be a princess. The queen liked her. Everything went according to her plan. Soon her dream would come true. All would be perfect... Except for one small thing. She was not allowed to have a wedding in the snow, but that was a small price to pay for fulfilling her wishes. Of her fate!

Princess Babette von Sonnenhof.

Didn't that sound wonderful?

Yes, she was happy.

And Peter would be too.


"And they communicated via letters?" The queen looked at her daughter angrily.

"Right. During the interrogation, all the detainees told us, that they had coordinated their uprisings by mail. The uprisings in their capital were only the largest. In the meantime, there were also minor riots in villages, which could be quickly stopped." Cleo turned one of her mother's paperweights in her hand. A round glass ball. She sat at the Queen's desk, who was walking up and down her office in anger. "Was it possible to trace who received all the letters?"

"Unfortunately, no. Apparently, the letters were always burned as soon as they were read. At the villages, the posted soldiers were instructed to search the houses, they even started to do that at the capital of the elves, but nothing has been found yet. We know from interrogations that they planned more riots, but the prisoners refused to say more." Cleo saw her reflection inside the crystal ball. She looked tired.

"We have to stop the correspondence. Neither elves nor werewolves are allowed to communicate through letters. I don't want to risk the werewolves starting to rebel too. Even servants are no longer allowed to keep in touch with their families through letters."

"That sounds very reasonable," Cleo agreed.

"When will the prisoners be brought to justice? Shouldn't that have happened long ago?"

"The day after tomorrow. The date was postponed to have more time to interrogate them."

"Very good. Are you satisfied with the developments? You did a good job. I'm proud of you."

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