Chapter 27

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She had slept badly. Excitement had kept her awake. Finally, she would see her sister again! After seven years!

Had she changed?

Was she still the quiet sister Julia remembered?

The bookworm?

They had written letters to each other, so it wasn't like Julia didn't know anything about her sister's life... But those were just letters! Letters did not replace her sister.

And then there was the matter of Leopold. They would sit together inside the carriage... With no one else.

For heaven's sake!

Hopefully, she didn't say anything embarrassing!

She turned her jam roll on her plate like a spinning top and watched as said elf walked past the dining room door again and again. His blue-green dragonfly wings shimmered in the morning light. He looked good... Very good.

Maybe I should stop staring at him... His wings are so pretty... It's a pity that he is not allowed to fly... Does he miss it?

First Leopold carried garbage, then a broom... Apparently, he cleaned the boy's room.

She heard Marko protesting. Apparently, he was not happy to have been awakened. As was the case so often. Julia grinned. Marko was a late riser and it was not uncommon for him to sleep in. And he didn't like being woken up.

Finn came into the dining room. He held a cup of coffee in his hand and looked as tired as Julia felt.

"Slept badly?" she asked, yawning.

Finn sat down next to her, smiling. "Marko snores. Tonight was particularly bad. I wonder how Leo was able to sleep."

As if called, Leopold also entered the dining room. "Once I sleep, I sleep," he answered Finn's question, which he had heard.

Then he turned to Julia: "When are we leaving?"

"In about two hours... Why are you cleaning? Have you had breakfast yet?" she asked.

"The reason woke up earlier in a bad mood." Leopold grimaced and got himself a bun too. "Someone needed to clean urgently!"

"He hasn't eaten yet... As soon as he was awake, he had a broom in his hand!" Finn also smeared himself a jam bun. "Where's Sophie?"

Leopold threw pieces of his bun at Finn in protest. "Our room was a mess! You could have helped me!" Finn just laughed.

"Sophie wasn't hungry." Julia looked at her jam bun, next to which were now crumbs from Leopold's food. She, too, lacked appetite. "She is in the janitor's office and discusses with him where Marko and you, Leopold, help out today and tomorrow. She mentioned that today she wants to bake cookies and cakes... Presumably, she also fetches flour. We don't have much left."

"Bake cookies?" Finn beamed. "I'd like to do that!"

Leopold, who was now sitting next to him, smearing cheese sandwiches, gently nudged Finn with his elbow. "Then I'm sure you'll have fun today. I hope I don't have to go to the laundry. The work there is terribly monotonous and it smells very strongly of detergents."

Finally, Marko came into the dining room. He was still wearing his pajamas and his hair was uncombed. Wordlessly, he sat down at the table and ate sausage and salami without bread. From time to time he gave Leopold a sour look. The elf ignored him and talked to Finn about their favorite cookies. In between, he went to Julia and smiled. She felt her cheeks slowly turn red. How could she survive the carriage ride?

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