Chapter 51

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"Princess!" Torsten followed her out of the fireplace room after drinking coffee. He smiled kindly. "So you're my little sister? I'm really happy to finally meet you."

The vampires were led to their rooms by a servant. There their luggage was already waiting for them, as the servant assured them. Julia watched them go nervously.

"So you're my half-brother?" Julia looked at him. Torsten really looked like her father. He was wearing a black suit and had his hair combed back.

"Right." Torsten put his arm around her as if they had known each other for a long time and were close. Julia grimaced. "I think it's wonderful to know the rest of my family now and to be part of it. I plan to spend a lot of time with you and the others. This ball is special to me. They will finally see me as part of the royal family!"

"I thought the ball was for me?" Julia liked him less and less. "Not for you?"

"You should use what you can. Don't you think?"

"And what do you use for yourself?" My family?

"Nothing yet. See you later, at the ball. I'm terribly excited!" He let go of her and disappeared into another corridor. Julia returned to her room. Only a few hours left until the ball... And she was already exhausted. Maybe she could take a nap? Tired, she made herself comfortable on her bed and finally fell asleep.

Fire. Everywhere. The village was burning. Julia ran together with Leopold after the fleeing people. Next to her ran Marko, as a wolf. He carried Finn on his back.

Julia startled. Her clock showed that there was still an hour until the ball. Had she had a vision again? It felt like that. A fire. When would that happen? She was sure that this was a vision of the future. What else should it be?

Yawning, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed... Only one hour left...

There was a knock on the door and Sophie came in. She smiled.

"Did you sleep?", she asked.


"Then I arrived just in time! Well, good that you're awake. It's time to get ready for the ball. Had you sweet dreams?"

"No, unfortunately not. I had a vision."

"A vision?"

Julia receded. "From the future. I was in a village that was burning. I don't know when it will happen and how to get there... Leopold, Marko, and Finn were there too..."

"That sounds worrying. Maybe you should tell the queen about it?"

"Yes, maybe."

"Good. Put on your ball gown quickly. I'll take care of your hair! We don't have much time!"


Mr. Mühe looked at him sternly. "You can't make a mistake in serving the royal family." He looked at Marko and Leopold. "None of you will. All guests will be watching you. If even one mistake happens to you, they will speak badly of the princess. Tonight you will represent your mistress. Perfection! That is your goal. You will be silent and serve. Nothing else." They stood in his office, which was located near the servants' rooms.

"And don't smile", Marko grumbled softly, but Mr. Mühe heard him.

"A good, bound servant only smiles for his mistress or master, otherwise his expression is neutral. Remember that, young wolf. You're just smiling at your mistress. No one else."

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