Bonus 16

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Peter was in his room. Not in his bed, no, he was lying on the floor. In front of him was a large sheet of paper, on which he drew with colored pencils. A landscape of trees, mountains, and a white dragon. He liked to draw. The picture looked very realistic. Much too real for the picture of an almost ten-year-old boy. Peter was talented. Sophie called him a true artist.

Unfortunately, his teacher was not enthusiastic about his drawing skills... Good. Admittedly. This was probably because Peter always drew instead of listening. Finally, he had drawn his teacher in class. In underwear and with a large women's hat on his head. His father scolded him after the teacher complained about the cheeky drawing.

Peter thought the drawing was funny. Unfortunately, his father had burned the masterpiece in the fireplace to undo the deed. He could at least have laughed about it... But no. Peter was placed under room arrest. For two days. Even with Julia, he was not allowed to play...

His drawing was almost finished. He smiled contentedly and touched the dragon. He had never seen one. At least not a real one. He only knew drawings from books. Dragons could transform. They could turn into any animal they wanted. What was that like?

He wanted to be a great magician. His father had told him that very gifted witches and wizards who used manipulative magic could also change shape. Peter would like that. He would look different every day. Giggling, he continued to draw. A great magician and an artist! A painter! A few days ago, a painter had made a new painting of his mother. Peter had watched the painter, a mortal, fascinated. He wanted to be able to do that. Paint like him. Could he magically breathe life into a painting?

That would be wonderful.

He would become famous!

Grinning, he got a new piece of paper and drew his teacher again. This time as a giant baby. How funny would it be if his teacher found the picture, and got screamed at by his little infant self?

"Peter? How are you?" His mother came to his room. Her eyes fell on the painting with the dragon. "Are you drawing again?"

"Yes. Do you like the picture? I'll give it to you!" Peter beamed at his mother. He wanted to hear that she liked the picture. He wanted to make her smile.

The queen furrowed her brow and took the paper. "A dragon? Which flies over a forest?"

"Yes!" Peter grinned expectantly.

"You have too much imagination, Peter." His mother sighed. Then she noticed the picture of the teacher. "Your teacher? Again? Well... You caught him well." She shook her head and picked up the picture from the ground with a reproachful look. "I see that you have not yet come to your senses."

Peter sat down. "Mom! Do you like my picture!"

"The one with the dragon?"

"Yes! That. Do you like it? It's for you." Frustrated, Peter crossed his arms. Didn't she like it? And what does that mean? Too much imagination? He held out the picture to her. Finally, his mother took it.

"You should draw less and focus more on your lessons." His mother, who was now holding both drawings, gave him a stern look. "Drawing is for young children and girls."

"Mom! I want to be a painter. A magical painter! That's what I have to paint for!"

Now his mother turned pale and tore both drawings to pieces. "Nonsense! Come to your senses, Peter. Servants will fetch the pens. This is now coming to an end. You are a prince. Not a painter. Nor a magician. You will never have magic, Peter. See that!" Then she left the room.

Peter sat on the floor and looked at his destroyed paintings. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

I just wanted you to be proud of me.

(c: sasi)

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