Chapter 58

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He stood in front of the counter of a small butcher's shop. His mother had sent him to buy some cold cuts. He looked at the display. The cold cuts in the castle had looked much better. More expensive than the offer here. He bought what his mother had told him to, then he made his way home.

When she learned of the sudden engagement, she was shocked.

Torsten didn't expect anything else.

"A vampire?" His mother had looked at him in shock. "You're supposed to marry a vampire? And to leave home? No, Torsten. This won't do. I will ask for an audience with the Queen."

"Are you sure you'll even get to see the Queen?", he said. "I will leave this simple life behind, mother! I don't care how."

"But with the vampires?"

"She's a princess. Isn't that better than any nobles, without influence?" He smiled. "I have to admit, I was outraged at first. But I'm starting to like the idea."

"The Vampire Territory! Torsten! No. Vampires are only interested in blood!"

He shrugged his shoulders. "What is some blood in exchange for power?"

Now, on his way home, he couldn't wait. His mother did not understand him. She had never understood him. She wanted him to have a simple life, with a simple job. For a few years, he had done her the favor. But Torsten was striving for more. Whether witches or vampires. He didn't care. He unlocked the door of his mother's house. A small, simple house with old furniture. It was silent. Torsten frowned. His mother had wanted to bake bread but couldn't hear anything.

With a furrowed brow, he went into the kitchen.

There he saw his mother. She was sitting at the kitchen table. Dead.


Servants had laid out a simple suit for him, which he had put on in a bad mood. Shortly they were waiting for the painter to make a painting of him and Babette. He sat with his father in a carriage on the way to Babette's parent's house, where the painting was to be made. After all, Babette wished that one of her horses could be seen with them in the picture.

Peter looked out of the window of the carriage. The sun was shining outside. He would have preferred rain. His father had forced him to have his hair cut to make him look neat in the picture. Since then, Peter refused to speak to him. Why should he cut his hair? That was silly. Fritz had long hair and that had never been a problem.

"Peter? That's silly!" The king sighed. "You act like a little child."

Peter did not respond. If that was the case, then he behaved like a child! And?

I didn't want any of that!

When the carriage drove onto the von Steinhofs' property, Babette was already waiting for them. She stood on the doorstep of the spacious estate and smiled happily.

"Welcome!", she shouted as Peter and his father got out of the carriage. "The painter is already here! It's so exciting!"

"Wonderful." Friedrich nodded. "And where is the picture going to be painted?"

"In front of the horse stable." Babette pointed to a smaller building next to the estate. "Little Shooting Star is already looking forward to the picture! The servants dressed her up!"

Then she looked at Peter. "You look good. I already feared what you might wear, but that was in vain."

"I'm reassured. You look... interesting." Peter looked at the clothing choices of his future wife. She wore riding clothes and a very large, elaborately designed hat, which reminded Peter of a crooked wedding cake. Babette wore a gold ribbon around her neck. "Fancy hat."

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