Christmas Chapter part 1

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(For Aefener)

"Have you packed everything?" Peter stood in Julia's room and looked at her skeptically. "You're still in your pajamas!"

"And you're wearing a dress!" Julia stuck out her tongue at her brother. "I already packed yesterday. I just need to get dressed quickly!"

Peter, who was wearing a dark blue knitted dress with black leggings, shook his head. "At least hop into the shower quickly. Not that my car smells like an unwashed teenager! Hop, hop little skunk! Under the shower with you!"

"I don't stink!" Julia rolled her eyes and disappeared towards the bathroom. She passed the terrarium of her two lizards. Fiete crept under the heat lamp and Josef looked at her invitingly. He loved to be petted. And she couldn't help but comply before scurrying into the shower.

She had been living with her brother for a year now. Her parents had divorced two years ago because her mother had found out that her father had a second family in Cologne, with which he now lived. Julia couldn't stand it in the villa, alone with her mother. Agathe was just complaining about her. She wanted Julia, just like her mother, to become a politician... To achieve this goal, she should write top grades at school and volunteer at her mother's party. Julia was a mediocre student and preferred to advocate for human rights with online videos rather than accompany her mother to her dusty party, where she would only copy documents, send mail, and serve coffee. No. Julia wanted to make a difference. Now!

Luckily, Peter had rescued her and taken her into his small, expensive loft in Berlin. Peter was an artist. A successful artist with his own prestigious art gallery. Julia was proud of him.

When Julia was washed and dressed, Peter was already shooing her to his small car. One of his friends would take care of Fiete and Josef over Christmas. He had already loaded the luggage into the trunk. Peter loved luxury, but when it came to cars, he always bought cheap used cars, which he decorated with crazy stickers. (Unicorns, elves, ducks, and pugs. A strange combination.) His dog, a small pug named Hercules, was enthroned in the passenger seat as usual.

All Peter was interested in cars was that they had four wheels and a roof.

"Hercules refuses to sit in the back", Peter said apologetically. "I tried. Honestly! But he would bark and howl the whole ride."

"That's ok. So? Where are we going? Over Christmas? All you've told me is that it's going to be a sibling meeting!" Amused, she sat at the back and buckled up while her brother started the car.

"Unfortunately without Paul and Valentina. The journey is too long for Amaury. He is only two months old and they live in the Black Forest. And to my great joy, without Mom. She is on a cruise with her friends. Champagne and seasickness Ahoy!"

Julia laughed. "And where are we going?"

"You'll see."

The journey took a long time. Especially since they had to put in a long extra break because of a puking Hercules. Julia stood with the whimpering pug next to the car at the small rest stop, while her brother was slightly hysterical and tried to clean his car.

When they were finally able to continue, Julia fell asleep.

"Wake up, little sister! We're here!" Peter stroked her hair.

Julia yawned and blinked. The air smelled of salt. "Where are we?"

"At our large holiday home on Rügen. With a small private beach, which we have to share with the residents of the other holiday homes!", Peter solemnly announced. Hercules barked as if to confirm.

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