Chapter 55

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"I will miss you, little sister!" Peter hugged her tightly. "What do you think about me visiting you at the academy? You could show me everything!"

Babette, who was standing next to them, wrinkled her nose. "You are a mortal, Peter. What do you want at the Academy? It is only for witches and wizards! And please, finally take off this nightgown! That's ridiculous!"

That was not true. In fact, the nightgown suited him very well. He rarely looked 'ridiculous' and when he did, it was well planned and served to annoy the queen and the king. However, the one that actually looked ridiculous didn't even have to make an effort. Babette clearly had a talent when it came to choosing unflattering clothes.

Peter, who was still hugging his sister, looked at his fiancée. "Here? Now?"

Julia laughed.

Marko, who had just loaded the last suitcase into the carriage, looked over at them. "You want to undress, Your Highness? Is it worth it for us to watch you?"

"Marko!", shouted Leopold, who was standing behind the carriage.

"What?" The wolf grinned carefreely.

"I'm a feast for the eyes! True eye candy!", said Peter. "And if my fiancée wants it, I'll be happy to show this to everyone!" He let go of Julia and made an exuberant curtsy.

Babette snorted and turned on her heel. She mumbled angrily to herself as she walked back into the castle.

"I think we can do without it!" Julia shook her head. "But please, come to the academy!"

Peter nodded. He looked sad for a brief moment, but he started to grin shortly after. "I want to see where my little sister learns all the great magic!"

Finn and Sophie came out of the castle. Sophie carried a basket and talked to the young wolf, who seemed happy about something.

"We got cookies! From Luise!", shouted Finn. "For the ride! And cake! She baked it, especially for us!"

"Cookies?" Marko ran to them and looked curiously into the basket, which Sophie pulled away from him, shaking her head. Marko still caught a biscuit and shoved it contentedly into his mouth.

Soon after, the Queen and the King, Leah, and Cleo came to say goodbye to Julia. Some moments later Julia and her servants were already on their way back to the Academy. On the way, they enjoyed cookies, and cake, and talked about the ball. Finn was still amazed by everything he had seen. They didn't talk about the vampires.

They arrived at the academy in the afternoon. It was quiet in the building. Hardly any students could be seen in the corridors and the gardens. There was also little presence on staff.

"Where is everybody?" Marko frowned.

It was strange. Normally, a lot was going on in the corridors. They walked up the stairs to her home. There was a note hanging on the door. Sophie took it from the door and read it quietly.

"Apparently, some cases of illness have appeared among teachers and students... Therefore, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, classes are canceled and all students are instructed to stay in their rooms if possible", she said. "To avoid greater contagion."

"The disease that we had?", asked Finn.

Sophie nodded. "Apparently. Yes."

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