Chapter 79

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Helga and Philip behaved strangely.

Did they plan something? The two had withdrawn all day and they did not want to do the group work in history with Pia and Marie. Instead, they teamed up with two boys from good families. Lower nobility, as far as Marie knew.

Pia was in good spirits and did not let that worry her. In the fencing tournament, she had done well. Not perfect, but good. Her grades were all presentable and she also showed talent in sword lessons. Of course, she was worried about Julia, but now that some tests were approaching, she wanted to focus completely on studying. Marie had also improved in fencing and the use of the sword, which surprised her.

Pia had told her that she was planning to take the subjects in the second and third years as well. She wanted to become a soldier. She had decided after the tournament. Originally, she had considered working in a hospital, but the military also needed healers. Healers who could defend themselves and others if necessary. Marie's parents had always expected her to get into the family business, while Marie admired the royal family and dreamed of big celebrations. The queen had been the heroine of her childhood. And she had even managed to befriend the princess... She had never been interested in the family business. She had always hoped that Mia would take over one day, so Marie could find something else. But what? She didn't know and Pia's sudden interest in the future worried her.

It was a future without Mia.

And maybe even without the friend she had grown so fond of.

The sudden disappearance of the princess gnawed at her. In the evening, she had seen Sophie leave the academy grounds with suitcases, which worried her all the more.

And something else worried her: Theo had become strangely quiet. She didn't know why. He looked sad but didn't want to tell her what the problem was. Now she sat alone in her room, her roommate was out with friends watching the sunset. Helga and Philip had no time for her, they met to study with the two boys and Pia was in the library.

Marie was bored. Should she also learn? Maybe that distracted her a bit?

August also had no time, as he went to an evening hour in sword fighting. The best from his course participated. But he wanted to take her to the city for a coffee at the weekend. Marie smiled.


They were sitting in the dining room of Leo's family. There was cheese, fruit, and a hearty vegetable strudel. His gaze wandered to the window again and again. He wanted out. He wanted to run through the forest and hunt. Finn sat next to him. He, too, seemed restless. Marko chewed on his lower lip and tugged at the shirt he was wearing. Hanno had given him new clothes after shredding the last one.

Julia and Leo sat as far apart from each other as the table allowed. Leo looked at her from time to time, but Julia avoided his gaze. Marko suppressed a growl. He wanted to bite Leo. Chasing him through the forest... Peter was talking to Flora. He was telling her about his wedding. Flora laughed softly. Her husband just shook his head in disbelief.

"Couldn't you have canceled the wedding earlier, boy?", he asked. "Before the entire wedding was organized?"

Peter shook his head. "I didn't want to marry Babette. It was no secret. But I thought I had no choice and no one accepted my opinion. It was only at the last moment that I found the courage to defy the will of my parents."

Marko snorted. "There is no such thing with wolves. Our nose tells us who is suitable for us, and then, of course, the heart decides."

"And your nose liked me?", Finn grinned. "My nose likes you too."

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