Chapter 8

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Julia wasn't quite awake when there was a knock on her door. Lazily, she pulled a dressing gown over her nightgown and watched out of the corner of her eye as one of the servants led her three new, personal servants in.

"Good morning, princess," the elderly gentleman greeted her. "Forgive me for bursting in like this..." He looked at her dressing gown with red cheeks. "I assumed you were ready for the day. I am terribly embarrassed! After all, it's half past nine..."

"It doesn't matter." She smiled tiredly. "I see you have visitors with you."

The wolf with the black ears looked curiously at her, the elf, on the other hand, seemed bored and the wolf with the white ears shyly avoided her gaze. Hello servants I never wanted.

"These are Marko, Finn and Leopold, your new servants," the old servant announced solemnly. "Finn will take care of your wardrobe. Due to health problems, he can only work to a limited extent. He can sew, so he'll mend your clothes if you need to."

A sick servant? What were Cleo and Lea thinking?

"I'm glad to meet you," Julia said. "My name is Julia, as you probably know. Right now I have no work for you. Use the day to look around the castle. After breakfast, I can show you around."

"Princess, how generous!" commented the servant. "I'll take the three of them back with me for the time being. Help is needed in the kitchen. Shall I take the three of them there today?"

I just gave them the day off and you still want to send them to work immediately?

"No, thank you. The three have today to themselves," she contradicted with slight vehemence. "I'll see you after breakfast. Then I'll show you around the castle." She smiled at the three. "I hope you will enjoy it here."

The three grimaced, but did not answer her. They didn't bow either.

The old servant cleared his throat and turned red again. "I beg for your forgiveness!" He looked indignantly at the three newcomers. "When the princess speaks to you, you have to answer! A bow would also be appropriate! Where are your manners!" he grumbled. "I explained all this to you earlier!"

"That's fine!" Julia quickly intervened. "They are new. Mistakes are normal!" They are here against their will...

"Of course!" The old man bowed.

"Well, I'll explain everything to you again!" With a stern face, he gestured for the newcomers to go to the door. "We'll leave you alone, princess."

This time, the three remembered the rules and bowed before leaving.

They didn't say a single word... What do I do with them? Where should they work? Personal servants follow their... I don't want to say owner... But that's it? Right? As if they were things. I will make sure that they are as free as possible... Here and in the Academy...

There was another knock on the door and Sophie came in. "Well? Already awake?" The elderly lady winked at her. "I'll let you take a bath quickly, yes? At eleven there is breakfast. I heard your brother, Prince Fritz, will leave after breakfast. Did you get a lot of presents?"

"Plenty, yes." Julia followed Sophie into the bathroom and watched as she poured water into the tub. "A lot of jewelry. But also pens and other things..." Babette had given her a brooch. A bright orange bird with a branch in its beak.

"That sounds good." Sophie collected the old towels and took new ones out of a narrow cupboard while Julia brushed her teeth. "I have heard that you now have personal servants. Unfortunately, I haven't met the three of them yet. I'm looking for some nice things for you, what are you planning today? Today the sun will shine all day."

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