Bonus 2

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Helga was in a good mood. Today the academy would celebrate the start of the school year. There would be offers for fun activities everywhere. She wanted to go from booth to booth with Philip and see everything. What had the other students come up with? Philip was hoping for a lot of cake. Of course. He always hoped for cake.

Maybe Julia would join them. They hadn't talked about it, only about the tests they would write. Many tests were written at the Academy. The school program was very good, but exhausting. Helga desperately needed this break. She needed fun. She longed for fun!

And today she would have fun!

Philip picked her up. Her roommate had long been away to set up a booth.

"Are you ready to go?", he asked.

"Yes. I'm already excited."

"Me too. Especially about the water fight!"

"Water fight... Oh right, yes. There is supposed to be a water fight... But I don't want to go there." Helga didn't want to get wet. And she didn't want to take part in an action with many participants or even just watch it. She preferred quiet activities.

"Then let's leave before we miss the beginning in the auditorium!"

In fact, they were late. It was already shortly before ten. Therefore, they hurried to the largest building of the academy, in which the gym and the large auditorium were located.

They found two seats in the same row in which Julia, Marie, and Pia were sitting. Julia and Marie talked about what they would like to do. They hoped that there would be games and crafts activities.

The welcome speech was given by the director of the Academy and lasted half an hour. He officially welcomed them as new students of the academy and told them some stuff about the history of the academy.

After the speech, it finally started.

Various stalls were set up in the gardens and there was plenty of coffee, hot chocolate, and cakes in the dining room. Among the offers were various craft offers, skill games, and a mirror labyrinth, in which she got lost together with Philip. It took them a whole hour to find their way out.

They met Julia, Pia, and Marie in the dining room, who had gone to the craft stands first. They were wearing self-made bracelets and necklaces.

Philip set out to get cake for himself and Helga while Helga fetched coffee. After that, they joined their friends at the table. Philip had brought her a piece of strawberry cake and a piece of chocolate cake for himself.

"Did you have fun?", Julia wanted to know. "I've seen you both go to the mirror labyrinth."

"Yes, but we got lost right away," Philip replied. "But it was funny."

Helga nodded and ate her cake. It tasted wonderful.

"I also want to go into the mirror labyrinth!", announced Marie.

"I'm less interested in the labyrinth." Pia took a sip of her hot chocolate. "There should be a chess tournament in half an hour. A few second graders organized it. That's where I want to go."

"Chess is not for me." Julia crumbled her cheesecake with her fork. "But I want to see the water fight of the third graders! But I don't know if we're supposed to join in, or watch..."

"I'm not sure either... But can we go there together!", Philip announced cheerfully. "Helga doesn't want to go."

"I think I'm also taking part in the chess tournament. Do we want to go there together?", Helga asked Pia.

Pia smiled happily. "Gladly!"

The chess tournament lasted two hours. Helga lost all matches of the first round and was therefore eliminated from the tournament. Pia made it into round two but then retired. In the end, a third-grader who had participated in the chess tournament instead of the water fight won.

When they later met Julia, Philip, and Marie, their three friends were wet from head to toe.

"The water fight was a blast! But it was just to watch," Philip announced. "The third graders filled buckets with water! There were two teams. The team that was the first to be completely wet had lost. When everyone was wet, they threw water at us, spectators!"

"I hope we don't get a cold..." Marie leaned against the princess. "I didn't expect them to get us wet!"

"I found it funny!" The princess grinned broadly. "A cold is worth the fun to me!"

In the evening, Helga wrote a letter to her parents. She talked about her first days at the academy and that she had made new friends. In the end, she wrote about the festival and everything she had done.

She was happy.

(c: sasi)

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