Chapter 61

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He stared at the mountain of laundry that he was supposed to hang up to dry. Today he and Marko helped out in the laundry. Marko talked to Theo, who was healthy again. The two got along well and Theo just asked him if they wanted to play cards together after work. Leopold hardly listened to them. He couldn't get the conversation with Julia the night before out of his head.

Or rather, her vision.

She had seen what was going to happen. He was firmly convinced that the village she had seen was his home village. Would it go up in flames? When? Why? Was his plan doomed to failure? What if Julia had seen more? If she knew about his plan? Then all would be lost. Luckily, her vision had shown her little and she probably wouldn't see more. At least that's what she said... But why should she lie? This thought calmed him down a little. Of course, this was not entirely certain. It could as well be that she knew everything in a few hours. Why did she have to be a seer?

"Leopold?" Marko waved his hand in front of his eyes. "Will you hang something up too? Or are you just staring?"

He blinked. "What?"

"You're staring at the laundry." Marko pointed to the laundry mountain. "Should Theo and I hang everything on our own?"

Theo laughed softly. "He must be thinking of his girlfriend!"

"My what?" He looked at the younger elf confused.

"Your girlfriend? The princess? Marie told me you were together! That's really brave! After all, she is the princess! Marie said you kissed her behind a pillar! Did you?" Theo looked at him expectantly.

"He has!" Marko winked at Theo. "The princess wanted to keep their relationship secret! Princess and servant? A scandal!"

"And? What's it like to kiss a princess?" Theo went back to hanging laundry.

"Normal?" Leopold shrugged his shoulders and grabbed a wet kitchen towel to hang on the clothesline. In the basement of the academy, where the laundry and also the canteen kitchen were located, several clotheslines were stretched in a large hall.

"Normal?" Theo looked at Marko. "Is he serious?"

Marko just shrugged.

"I didn't have a girlfriend before." Leopold smiled. There had been an elf girl he liked. But they were only friends and then she was with someone else.

"Really?" Theo beamed. "And you? Marko?"

Marko turned red. "No. Me neither. No... Girlfriend. What about you, Theo?"

Theo shook his head. "Me neither. I mean... I like Marie, but... Probably nothing will come of it. She's just perfect and I'm just her servant."

"Did you tell her you liked her? It worked out for Leopold and the princess!" Marko patted him on the shoulder.

Finn looked at him contritely. "Yes. Four years ago... She called me a good friend. I don't think she understood me. I told her I liked her..."

"Maybe you should try again?" Marko shook out one of the wet tea towels. "Don't you think so?"

Theo shook his head.


They tasted the tenth cake. Vanilla cream with blueberries on a chocolate dough and with plenty of marzipans. Meanwhile, he felt sick. All the cream and buttercream were heavy in his stomach and more than ten wines were waiting for him. Babette loved every cake and didn't seem tired of testing them. On the table in front of them were various pieces of cake through which they had tested themselves.

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