Chapter 65

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Saturday came faster than Peter would have liked, and with Saturday came the big rehearsal for the wedding in the ballroom of the castle. It was agreed on the exact procedures where everyone had to stand, and how Babette should get into the ballroom, together with her stepmother.

Peter yawned bored.

Also, for the celebration of the wedding, all details were discussed again. He barely listened. None of this interested him. Peter had made up his mind. He just didn't know if he made the right choice.

His mother looked at him reproachfully. His inattention had not gone unnoticed. "Peter!", she hissed softly. "It's about your and Babette's big day! Stop dreaming!"

"Mother, of course!", he murmured with a roll in his eyes. Babette's big day.

Babette seemed particularly enthusiastic and lively today. It was clear that she was looking forward to the upcoming wedding. Her parents also seemed extraordinarily happy.

After everything was discussed, they sat down together in the fireplace room to enjoy coffee and cake. When Peter remembered the terrible cake and wine escapade, he lost his appetite.

"The painting is wonderful!", announced Babette. "Unfortunately we couldn't bring it with us. Nevertheless, I hope to be able to show you soon." She smiled at the queen.

Agathe nodded delightedly. "I heard a lot of good things about the painter. Well, I will be able to admire his skills myself soon."

Babette's stepmother poked around in her cake. She looked a little green in the face.

"Is everything alright?", asked Peter worriedly.

She nodded. "Yes. It's all fine..."

"Sure?" Babette frowned. "You don't seem to be doing well lately."

Her parents exchanged smiling looks.

"Well... We wanted to wait a little longer", her father said. "But now is a good time too" He smiled at his wife.

"For what?" Babette seemed irritated while the queen clapped her hands with glee. Peter had a hunch as to what it was all about.

"You're getting a brother, or a sister!", announced Babette's stepmother with a blissful smile. "Isn't that wonderful?"

"Oh." Babette didn't seem like she thought about it as wonderful.

Peter grinned. Did Babette not want siblings? "Congratulations!", he turned to her parents.

His mother jumped up and hugged her friends. "This is wonderful news! I am happy for you. How long have you been married? Two years?"

Babette's stepmother nodded. "We're terribly excited. Of course, the child will not become a witch or a magician, like our Babette, but still!"

The queen nodded. Her face revealed that she found this quite regrettable. Peter rolled his eyes.

"Well, that's very good news." Friedrich looked at Babette. "Isn't it, my dear? And your parents won't be lonely when you move in with Peter."

"Terrific", Babette murmured.

"Oh. And who knows, maybe your kids will be able to play with your sibling?" Friedrich winked at her laughing.

Babette's parents laughed too. "It's going to be wonderful!", her stepmother announced. "I've always wanted a big family! With lots of kids!"

The baron looked at his wife lovingly.

Peter felt sorry for Babette. She looked anything but satisfied with the new developments. On the other hand, he was not satisfied either. Of course, this had nothing to do with Babette's siblings. He didn't care. But he had the plan to improve his situation. A grandiose plan. More than just a silent protest.

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