Chapter 21

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Two new letters arrived on Monday. Peter had written to her, just like her mother. The Queen encouraged Julia to come to the ball and would send her a carriage to get to the ball on Wednesday evening. She was looking forward to seeing her daughter. Peter had wrapped a pretty necklace in a handkerchief and sent it to her. A shimmering glass butterfly on a fine chain. Julia smiled. The necklace was beautiful.

Her school day had been unspectacular. In fencing lessons, she had been particularly clumsy, in magic she had almost fallen asleep... Philip had actually fallen asleep and Helga had turned out to be an ambitious nerd. Marie had overslept and arrived too late for the first lesson and a few boys had played a trick on their history teacher...

Julia was tired.

On Sunday night she played cards with Marko and Leopold and drank hot chocolate. Leopold in particular had been a tough opponent and had won every game.

Julia yawned and took a sip of coffee that Sophie had made her. The old lady cooked stew while singing an old children's song. Finn sat opposite Julia and embroidered one of her jackets. A simple floral pattern. Sophie had bought the yarn for it in the city.

Julia needed a new dress for her brother's engagement ball. She had not yet decided whether she wanted to look for one at the shops of the city or whether she wanted to have a tailor come here. She did not have much time...

Leopold came into the kitchen with a feather duster. "Our hallway is officially dusted off," he announced playfully solemnly. "Praise me!"

Julia laughed. "Our hero!"

"Oh you glorious conqueror of dust!" said Sophie just as solemnly. "Now please conquer the dangerous window dirt to let them shine!"

Leopold bowed. "Of course, Your Majesty the Cook! The dirt will learn to fear me!"

"Your Majesty the Cook? That's what I want to be called from now on." Sophie smoothed her apron. "Do I look royal?"

"Always. You're just missing the crown." Julia got a spoon and tried the stew. "It's missing some salt."

Sophie looked at her with amusement. "Do you want to take over the cooking?"

"I'd love to, but I can't cook. I would probably burn the soup... And I should start with my homework... And I need a dress."

"Do you want to go to the city?" Leopold sat on the chair Julia had sat on and watched Finn embroider instead of cleaning the windows.

Finn seemed a little restless. "Do we have to come with you?" he asked.

Julia didn't even think about that possibility and she did not want that. "I don't think so. Sophie? Can you have a tailor come here with a selection of dresses?" Maybe that's better... It saves time. We always get a lot of homework...

"I wanted to go back to the city anyway, so, yes. I'm off right after lunch."

Finn looked at the kitchen door as if he were looking for something. "When is Marko coming back? Shouldn't he have been there long ago?"

Marko helped out in the laundry rooms, as a lot of laundries had been handed in. Sophie had sent him off right after breakfast. "I don't know, but we can put away some stew for him if he's not back for lunch."

"I'll start with my homework." Julia left the kitchen and went to her room. She was supposed to write a short essay about what she wanted to achieve with her talent and which path she wanted to take professionally for her magic lesson. Some of her classmates had been happy about this homework. Especially Helga, who had announced to write a particularly inspiring essay... Whatever that should look like.

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