Chapter 74

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The princess didn't show up for class. Wasn't she back yet? Had something happened to her? Marie barely listened to her teacher. Mrs. Drüse went through the tournament with them and gave everyone tips on how to improve. Two students from her class had done so well that they had already been accepted for fencing lessons in the second and third years. She congratulated them proudly. The two seemed satisfied.

And if someone doesn't want to? Even though they were exapted? Does the student have to? Like Julia? Where is she?

"Marie?" Mrs. Drüse now stood before her. She hadn't seen her coming towards her. Marie blinked.


"Are you listening?"

"I'm sorry... I'm worried about the princess." Marie grimaced. "I'm going to try to listen now."

"Good!" Mrs. Drüse nodded. "Well, I just told you that you need to take more care of your feet. Ok?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"Good. Let the whereabouts of the princess be the concern of the adults. She is probably out and about in the city and will be back soon. No need to worry."

"I'm trying."

"That's good." Mrs. Drüse smiled. "You're friends, of course, you're worried. But now we are in class. Do you understand that?"

Marie nodded.

The teacher returned to her lessons. Marie sighed. Was Julia only in the town? She couldn't imagine it. So far, the princess had adhered to the school rules. Why should she break them all at once? Just because her brother was here? And her servants were gone too. Something was wrong. She was sure of it!"

"Marie?", called Mrs. Drüse. "Listen!"

"I'm sorry!"


Leopold sat in the eldest's living room. He had written a letter to the Royal Family, with all their demands. The immediate freeing of all slaves and a law prohibiting slavery. In return, the royal family would get their daughter and son back. If she resisted the demands, she would never see her daughter again. The coachman Jürgen had agreed to bring the letter to Castle Town and send it from there. Anonymous.

"Leopold?" The older elf looked at him sternly. "Now we only need a strand of the princess's hair to show that we mean it. Please bring one to me! Not all is done yet. It's just the beginning. I count on you too. We are committed to our people. We must not betray them. Do you understand that?"

"Of course." He stood up. I must not disappoint them... But...

"Oh! And take Inga with you. She is eager to take on this task!" The elf laughed.

Inga, who had heard her name, hurried into the living room. "I would love to cut off all her hair! For all that we have to suffer!"

Her father shrugged his shoulders. "If you want to. But a strand of hair is enough."

Leopold didn't like that. The princess had done nothing. She was innocent. A friendly girl.

"And Leopold's mother wanted to treat her like a guest!" Inga shook her head. "The princess! She must be a spoiled beast! After all, she has bound servants! And grew up in luxury! Nothing can good comes of that!"

"No", Leopold objected. " That's not true. She was always kind to me and the others. And she doesn't want to be a witch."

Inga pouted. "She lied! The nobility wants only one thing, power! And the witches are the worst! She probably fooled you."

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