Chapter 103

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She threw herself into work. Marie wanted to be the best at everything so that in a few years she would be accepted into the elite soldiers. She learned and practiced. After the academy, she wanted to go to military school. To the elite courses. Pia was delighted with Marie's commitment, and she also received positive feedback from the teachers. Her grades improved in all subjects. She wanted to be better. Better than Helga! The traitor!

Marie used her anger for fencing and handle the sword. Mrs. Drüse was very satisfied with her. And also with Pia.

Her relationship with Theo had returned to normal, even though he was still jealous of August. But they had to live with that and come to terms with it. Marie didn't want Theo to suffer or be sad.

And August! Her wonderful August! As promised, he had visited a café with her. He kissed her over cake and coffee. She was on cloud nine and that's where she wanted to stay. Her parents were happy for her, they had written to her. They didn't know anything about Marie's career plans. Presumably, they would be against it. No. She would tell them when the time came. If she had been accepted at the military school. Three years of school and one year of intense training and she would be a soldier. Maybe her parents had another child by then who could take over the family business. Yes. She would like that very much.

Marie had plans.

A future.

And maybe a future with August?

She could imagine marrying him one day. Of course, as a soldier, she would have no time for children. And the topic seemed much too far away for her to think much about it right now. She didn't care. August had told her that he didn't like children very much. His younger siblings were all too loud for him. Here at the academy he finally had his peace. When he was at home, his mother wanted him to help her take care of his six younger siblings. They were all between two and nine years old. Small, loud, and annoying. He held great importance to privacy and tranquility. As far as this was concerned, he came after his father, but unfortunately, his father was rarely at home. And all the work got stuck on his mother and possibly on him. Therefore, he did not want a loud pack of children. He already had too much of that.

So, they were a perfect match.


Being married to a vampire had several advantages:

· She is only slowly getting older and therefore remains incredibly attractive throughout her life.

· She is not tired at night and therefore often open to certain activities.

· Life in the marshland is an adventure.

Being married to a vampire had the following disadvantages:

· He has to sleep during the day because vampires are nocturnal.

· His wife bites.

· His life is shorter than hers, and in a few years, they will see it.

· When she knocks over a glass at the dining table, it happens that the tablecloth is not full of red wine, but full of blood. (Which is very unappetizing! Ew!)

· A kelpie lives in her garden.

· The Kelpie is not nice.

The Kelpie was a problem. Annemarie had saved him from death a few minutes ago. They had been in the garden and suddenly he heard a whisper. A lovely whisper. So he followed the whisper, his wife was talking to a servant, up to the river. There he saw the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. A beautiful woman was sitting on a horse. She invited him to explore the water with her. As if spellbound, he wanted to follow her into the river until two ice-cold hands held him and pulled him away from the river.

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