Chapter 64

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"Is everything alright?" Her stepmother smiled worriedly at Babette, "I saw you with Peter from the window. Did you argue?" She had sat down next to Babette, who was embroidering a white pillow on her bed.

"Oh. It was nothing." Babette did not look up from her work. It was not apparent what she was trying to embroider. Flowers? Animals? Something abstract? "Peter had a silly idea. I talked him out of it."

"A silly idea?"

"He wanted to visit his sister after the wedding. She can't come to our wedding."

"Which sister?"

"Julia." Babette snorted. "He wanted to visit her at the academy."

"You could go there together. That would be a nice gesture." Her stepmother stroked her back. "Don't you think so?"

"We will be busy after the wedding. I don't know when he wants to visit his little sister. In addition, as newlyweds, we should take a lot of time for ourselves."

"You may be right. What did Peter say?"

"He tried to play stubborn."

"The two seem to be very close. Maybe that's why he wants to visit her? I can imagine that he is very disappointed that Julia will not come to your wedding."

"Still, we will be too busy to visit his little sister at the academy. After the wedding, friends will visit us. A small celebration. Not to mention that several noble families will surely invite us to dinner. The king told me that we are expected to visit the larger noble houses after our wedding. After all, I'll be a princess by then."

"My daughter, a princess." Her stepmother kissed her on the cheek. "I'm very proud of you. You will fulfill your new role wonderfully!"

"I know." Babette put her embroidery frame aside with a smile. "I'm convinced that I'm an excellent princess. The Queen has assured me that she thinks I am the best choice for her son."

"Are you looking forward to Saturday? And Sunday? Your wedding will be a great event. The royal family is certainly full of anticipation. After all, your wedding will be followed by Prince Fritz's wedding. And I heard that Prince Torsten will also get married? I must admit, I was surprised when an illegitimate son was recognized as a prince."

"That actually was surprising. Nothing less than his existence, won't you agree?"

"A scandal!" Her stepmother reached for Babette's embroidery frame and viewed Babette's efforts skeptically. "What are you working on?"

"I bouquet of flowers."

Her stepmother raised her eyebrows. "Oh. How wonderful."

"Isn't it?" Babette took the embroidery frame from her and continued her work. "This will be a wedding present for Prince Fritz and Paula. Self-embroidered pillows. I thought something personal would surely appeal to them. I'm going to embroider another pillow. Then they have a pair."

"You have big plans."

"I have enough time. That shouldn't be a problem."

"What does Peter think of the idea?"

"I haven't discussed it with him yet. But I am sure he will agree. I don't think he's been thinking about a gift yet. He's too busy with himself."

"You may be right."


It was unusually quiet in the house. Her mother refused to leave the bedroom and her father sat quietly in front of the fireplace. Theo's parents silently crept around the estate, cleaning, cooking dinner, and bringing cake. Relatives were there and also a few friends to help the grieving family. Ina played in the garden and Theo watched her. She didn't understand why he didn't want to play with her. Marie sat at the window of her room and watched the two siblings. In the morning the funeral had taken place. Marie avoided the guests who had stayed for coffee and cake to mourn her little sister. Her grandparents would stay until dinner.

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