Chapter 95

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June 18th

It's been almost three weeks since Tony disappeared somewhere in space. With Kristina being eight months pregnant & Sophia constantly asking about Tony, it seems like life is just beating her down. Genevieve has let Kristina stay with her in the meantime. After being completely stressed out since she last heard from Tony, she decides to unwind. She pours herself a glass of grape juice & takes a long hot bubble bath after putting Sophia down for the night. She sinks her body into the water. She has her hair up in a top bun, laying her head on the edge of the tub, taking deep breaths. Thirty minutes into her relaxation, she feels a sharp pain. Kristina flinches, gripping the tub. The pain subsides but reoccurs several minutes later. Kristina grabs her phone while in pain & texts Genevieve 'S.O.S.' As another shooting pain hits, Kristina can hear Genevieve rush into the bathroom.
"What's going on?"
"I'm having contractions", Kristina groans in pain. Genevieve grabs Kristina's phone & times the contractions intervals.
"I can't have this baby now. It's too soon", Kristina groans holding her stomach.
"I know. Try to keep calm. Regulate your breathing with mine", Genevieve says holding Kristina's hand.

"I don't wanna do this without Tony."
"I know, honey but just relax. Alright? It could just be Braxton-Hicks." Another sharp pain hits her. Kristina groans loudly from the pain that Javier rushes into the bathroom.
"What happened?"
"Kristina's having contractions."
"Anything I can do?"
"We need to get her to the hospital."
"No. No hospital, she can't be born without Tony being here."
"Honey, I know you don't want that but we need to get you checked out to see if you're in labor or not. Now come on, we'll help you up", Genevieve says. Javier & Genevieve help her stand up & step out of the tub after the pain stops. Javier leaves the room so Genevieve can walk Kristina into the bedroom. Genevieve grabs a bralette, shirt & shorts from Kristina's bag. Kristina gets dressed.
"Javi, wake Happy up. One of you needs to stay here with the kids."
"I'm on it." Genevieve rushes out the room to get dressed while Javi wakes Happy up. Kristina is dressed & about to walk down the stairs when another pain hits her. She clutches the railing as she tries her hardest to keep doing breathing exercises. Genevieve runs over to her.

"Kris, you alright?"
"I'll be fine. Just get me in the car", she says crying. Happy rushes to get dressed & grabs the car keys. Genevieve grabs the hospital bag as well as Kristina's purse & carefully helps her down the stairs.
"Call Dr. Yang."
"I will as soon as we get in the car." Genevieve helps Kristina down the  front steps & into the car. As they drive off, Genevieve calls the hospital to have Dr. Yang paged. They make it to the hospital within thirty minutes. Javier stays behind to watch the kids & calls David once they leave to meet them at the hospital since him & Angelina are staying at Maria's loft. Happy drops them off at the front entrance & goes to park the car. Dr. Yang sees Kristina entering & brings over a wheelchair.
"Mrs. Stark."
"Hi, Dr. Yang."
"What seems to be the trouble", she asks helping her sit down.
"I'm having contractions."
"How far apart are they?"
"We timed them at nine minutes apart", Genevieve adds.
"Alright. There's nothing to be alarmed about. Let's get you checked out."
Dr. Yang takes Kristina to the labor & delivery unit on the ninth floor. Genevieve waits outside for Happy. After being wheeled into the room Kristina changes out of her clothes & into a hospital gown then gets hooked up to monitors.
"Alright, Kristina. I'm going to see how far you are dilated so if you feel uncomfortable, please let me know."
"Of course."
"Alright. You're going to feel a bit of pressure but don't worry it'll be quick." Dr. Yang inserts her fingers & is able to stretch them out. 
"You are about seven centimeters." Kristina begins to cry.
"Will she be born soon?"
"Not necessarily but we'll monitor you. Alright?"
"Yeah", she says sadly. 

Happy & Genevieve enter the room. David & Angelina arrive not long after.
I'm here."
"Dad..." David rushes over to Kristina & kisses her forehead.
"Dad, she can't be born without Tony. He should be here", she cries as he holds her in his arms.
"Sshh. It's ok, míja. I know."
"I'm afraid, dad. I'm so afraid." David pulls away & cups Kristina's face in his hands.
"I know you are but don't be. He'll come home. He loves you & Sophia way too much. He'll be back."
"You really believe that?"
"I do", he nods. A contraction hits Kristina hard & she groans in pain holding onto David's wrist.
"Breathe through it. In & out, míja." David helps Kristina catch her breath. The pain soon subsides.
"I was cleaning the basement & I found something." Angelina hands her a manilla envelope & Kristina pulls out a Time magazine.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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