Chapter 42

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After Tony seeks revenge on Anton Vanko for his attack on him in Monaco, Kristina stays at Genevieve's for several days. She found out from Agent Romanoff that he was dying & he didn't tell her. Angry, hurt & upset, she refuses to speak to Tony & conducts work from Genevieve's house while Genevieve is away for work.

One evening, Kristina is making herself dinner & listening to the sound of the waves from the beach when Tony knocks on the door. She turns off the stove & goes to answer it. She opens the door to see Tony holding a bouquet of long stem red roses.

"You can't keep doing this", she says annoyed. She's about to close the door but Tony pushes the door open.
"Stop pushing me away", Tony replies.

"Oh, that's rich. You refused to tell me that you were dying but I'm the one pushing you away? The irony", she scoffs, walking into the living room. Tony closes the door & puts the flowers on the table.
"I wanted to tell you, ok? I just didn't know how."

"Stop lying!""I'm not lying

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"Stop lying!"
"I'm not lying."
"You're right. You're not good at lying. You're good at creating excuses for the shit you do." Tony scoffs.

"That's not fucking fair."
"Fair? Fair?! You want to talk about fair?! For a little over three years, we have been together. Day in, day out, working for you, running your errands. We even moved in together.."
"Kris..", Tony says interrupting.

"No! Let me fucking finish! We have shared so much of our lives with one another

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"No! Let me fucking finish! We have shared so much of our lives with one another. Yet you continue to lie to me & keep me in the dark about important shit that affects us, Tony. You couldn't even be straight up with me about the arc reactor poisoning your blood."

"Do you think it was easy for me to keep that a secret from you?"
"Seems like it was considering Nick Fury & Agent Romanoff knew about it & they gave you an antidote for it. Even J.A.R.V.I.S. knew! A literal fucking A.I. knew before your own girlfriend!"

Tony doesn't know what else to say. Kristina stands there feeling defeated, hating the fact that she's yelling at him.
"Baby, the only thing I can say is I'm sorry."

Kristina starts to cry.
"I'm tired of your sorrys. I'm tired of arguing with you because it doesn't solve anything. You still make me feel so unimportant." She wipes away her tears.

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