Chapter 81

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One month later
Avengers Facility

Kristina, Tony & Sophia have officially been living at the compound for a week. David, Angelina have visited plus given a tour of the huge facility. David & Angelina have taken Sophia for the night leaving Tony & Kristina some time alone which so happens to be the night Tony decided to throw a party. He already made arrangements for catered food & music. Around 7pm, the party begin. People start showing up. Maria, unfortunately, has to work so she is unable to attend.

Kristina gets dressed in a red satin bustier crop top with gold chain straps, blue jeans & red pumps. After doing her makeup, she parts her hair to the left & braids the other side in a faux side shave. Once she's done, Kristina goes downstairs. She scans the room looking for Tony. She finds him hanging out with Peter, Steve, Bruce & Sam. Kristina walks over to them.
"Evening gentlemen." Tony turns his head.
"Damn. You look so sexy." He kisses her.
"Thank you. You do too." Kristina smiles at Peter.
"Hey stranger."
"Hey. Great outfit."
"Thank you."
"Hey Steve, Bruce."
"Hey", they both reply.
"Can I get you a drink?", Tony asks.
"I'll get it. Be right back."

Natasha is the bartender tonight & sees Kristina approach.
"Kris! Loving this outfit."
"Thank you. You look gorgeous." Natasha is wearing a short red dress with black thigh high boots.
"Thanks. Thought I should doll myself up."
"Well you succeeded." Natasha smiles.
"So what can I get you?"
"Whiskey sour, please."
"Of course. Coming right up." She prepares the drink.
"Tony keeps looking over here." Kristina turns to look at him. He winks & she winks back. Natasha sets it in front of her.
"Here you go."
"Awesome. Thanks Nat."
"Of course. Have fun tonight."
"You too. Don't just bartend. Dance. Mingle."

"I will." Kristina walks back over to Tony.
"So what'd I miss?"
"Just making small talk", Bruce replies.
"Where's Michelle?", Kristina asks taking a sip.
"Out of town visiting family."
"Oh. Alright. Well tell her I said hi."
"I will. No Genevieve?"
"No, her & Javier are having a family dinner with his kid & ex-wife."
"Nice. That's great that they get along."
"That's what I said too." Tony wraps his arm around Kristina's shoulders.
"Yo, Steve!", Sam shouts.
"Looks like I've been summoned. See you guys later", he says before walking away.
"Well I'm going to go keep Natasha company. Good to see you again, Peter."
"You too, Bruce." Bruce awkwardly smiles then walks over to Natasha.

"Should we find somewhere to sit?", Peter asks.
"You guys go ahead. I'm going to grab some food. Don't wanna drink on an empty stomach."
"How about we come with you?" Tony suggests.
"Let's go." They walk over to the catering table not too far away. The table is lined with silver trays. Pigs in a blanket, boneless wings, philly cheesesteak egg rolls, mini spiral sandwiches, a salad, bacon avocado fries & macaroni salad.
"Damn everything looks so good", Peter compliments. They each grab a plate & take whatever they want. They find some chairs off to the side & sit down.

They catch up & eat for the next thirty minutes or so. Wanda also joins them. When they've finished eating, Kristina mingles with everyone until Tony grabs her hand & pulls her in for a slow dance.
"You look ravishing."
"Thank you."
"I can't wait to get you alone." He kisses her neck.
"Alright Casanova. Did you forget we have company?" Tony looks into her eyes.
"I don't care. You shouldn't either." Tony kisses her & she drapes her arms over his shoulders. The song ends & they pull apart.
"Thanks for the dance, Mr. Stark."
"Always a pleasure, Mrs. Stark." She kisses him & walks up to the bar to order another whiskey sour.

She spots Wanda, Sam, Steve & Vision talking over by the couch then joins them.
"Hope you don't mind the interruption."
"Never", Wanda smiles. Kristina sits beside Sam.
"So your dad took the little rugrat for the night?", Sam asks.
"For the next two days actually."
"Nice. So what do you guys have planned?", Wanda asks.
"Absolutely nothing. Just relaxing."
"Sounds like a great idea", Vision says.
"Yes it does."
"I honestly thought you were going to say something inappropriate", Steve chuckles.
"Yeah me too", Sam chimes in.
"Well, if you want me to.."
"Nope", they all reply. Tony comes over to Kristina & whispers in her ear.

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