Chapter 36

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Two weeks later

Tony has been missing for a little over two months. Kristina has been trying her hardest to stay focused on work. She has been feeling overwhelmed & decided to stay at Genevieve's house for a few days. She's finding it difficult to sleep at the mansion. One night, Kristina takes his cologne & sprays it on one of his shirts. She lets it dry then puts it on. She sits in bed, smelling his shirt. Wishing he was next to her. She curls up into a ball & cries. After a while, she sits up, sniffling. She dials one of her contacts hoping they'll answer.

"Hi", she says all stuffed up from her crying so much.
"Hey. You ok?"
"I'd be lying if I said yeah."
"I know. I'm sorry, Kris."
"Can I come & see you?"
"Yeah. We could have a drink or two."
She chuckles.
"Yeah. Sounds good. I'll see you soon. Bye."

She hangs up quickly so she can change. She puts on her sweatpants & a baggy shirt. She grabs a hoodie & her keys. She leaves the mansion & twenty minutes later arrives outside a condo. She parks, gets out & walks up to the house. The door is unlocked & she knocks then walks in.
"Hey", she replies closing the door. They hug & pull apart.

A glass of whiskey on the rocks is handed to her.
"You're welcome. So, you up for talking or just want to drink?" Kristina downs the drink then starts to cry.
"I miss him. I need to know if he's ok. I've been bawling my eyes out for the last couple of months now. I need him home."
"I know. I'm sorry, Kris. I can't imagine how hard it's been for you."

"It's been too much. My miscarriage & him missing it''s too much. I'm so stressed out. I can't fucking sleep. I just want him back." Kristina wipes her eyes & tries to calm down.
"Breathe in & out a few times." Kristina deep breathes.
"I can't sleep in that house anymore knowing he's not next to me. I even sprayed his cologne & wore his shirt when I called you."
"I was curled up in fetal position. I can't." She pours herself another drink then downs it.

She places her hands over her face & cries more.
"Hey. Hey. Come here." Kristina gets pulled into a hug.
"I need him home."
"I know. I know but he will come home. You know that right?"
"Yeah but he needs to be here. He should be here."
"And he will be. Give it time." They pull apart & walk into the living room.

They sit, talk & finish the bottle of whiskey. Kristina goes into the kitchen & grabs another bottle.
"Whoa, whoa. Slow down there, killer." She uncaps it & chugs.
"Kris. Kris! Stop." The bottle gets pulled from her, spilling on the floor & her shirt.
"I don't want to feel like this. I don't want to feel anything! I can't sleep, I barely eat. I want this to stop. I regret fighting with him. I told him I hate him. Can you believe that?"
"Kris, he knows you didn't mean it." She falls to her knees & cries.

He pulls her in & holds her close.
"It's ok. It's ok. Sshh", he says stroking her hair. She cries into his arms.
"It's not ok. I'm not ok. I want him back."
"I know. I know. He'll be back, Kris. He loves you too much. He'll come back to you." After two hours of talking & drinking two whole bottles of whiskey, they reminisce about the old times. Both of them are now very drunk.
"Do you r...remember the house party at (hiccups) Angelo's?"

"Oh god. The cops showed up & we had to rush out of the house, tipsy as hell", Kristina laughs partially slurring her words.
"Yeah but you tripped over the garden hose with your heels. I told you it was a bad idea to wear them." Kristina laughs.
"That's right! I broke my heel! Hey, where's the bathroom? I really need to pee."
"Towards the back, last door on the left." Kristina gets up & tries to stay steady.

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