Chapter 62

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The next day, Kristina & baby Sophia are ready to go home. Tony straps Sophia into her car seat. They are waiting on the discharge papers.
"Are you ready to home, my beauty?", Tony whispers. Kristina watches Tony.
"It's amazing isn't it? We made a new life."
"That we did. She's going to an angel", Tony smiles.
"I don't know about that. She's your daughter after all."
"Me? You're not exactly a saint, spitfire."

"I'm well aware", she chuckles. She wraps her arms around his neck.
"I can't wait to be in bed with you."
"Likewise." He pulls her in for a kiss then he kisses her forehead. There's a knock on the door & they pull apart as the nurse walks in.
"Alright Stark family. You guys are good to go. Here are your discharge papers. Dr. Yang said if you have any questions feel free to give her a call. Please follow up with her in six weeks. Remember no sex for six weeks. Are you guys all set to go?"

"Yes we are", Kristina smiles. Tony texts Happy to meet them in front of the hospital. Another nurse comes in with a wheelchair.
"Mrs. Stark, take a seat & we will wheel you down. Hospital procedure."
"No problem." Kristina sits in the wheelchair. Tony grabs the bag & car seat. They all leave the room & head down to the front entrance.

Happy steps out of the car when he sees them.
"Is everything ok? Why are you in the wheelchair?", he asks concerned.
"Hospital procedure", the nurse says.
"Ah. Got it." Tony helps Kristina up.
"Thank you all for everything", Kristina says.
"It was our pleasure. Have a safe drive home."

The nurses head back inside & Kristina gets Sophia situated in the car. A couple of photographers come up to them & try to take pictures.
"Kristina! Tony! How are you? Is it a boy? A girl?" Happy pushes them away.
"I need you both to back up. Right now! Get out of here! Give them some privacy! Go!" Kristina covers up Sophia just as Tony gets in.  The men walk away.

"Lose them before they can tail us", Tony says.
"On it." Happy gets in & drives off quickly.
"How the hell did they know?", Kristina asks irritatedly.
"No clue. We'll be home soon. Don't worry", Tony answers. All three of them keep an eye out for the entire car ride.
"Anything?", Tony asks.

A little while after, they arrive at the Tower. Tony & Kristina step out then head inside. They take the elevator up to the penthouse & once they step off there is a present from Rhodey waiting on the living room table. Tony opens it.
"Rhodey got her an Iron Man plush." He holds it up then tosses it to Kristina.
"That's so cute. She may need a feeding."
"What a coincidence....", he smirks.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Anthony. No dirty talk in front of our newborn." They chuckle as they kiss.
"Let's show her her nursery."
"Let's go", Kristina replies. They walk over to the nursery & open the door.
"Welcome home, Sophia", they both say.
She fusses & starts crying. Kristina takes her out of the car seat & they sit down in the rocking chair.

Kristina nurses Sophia.
"I'm going to bring the bassinet in the room with us. We can nap when your done", he whispers.
"Sounds wonderful", she replies. Twenty minutes later, Kristina walks into the bedroom, rocking Sophia in her arms.
"She asleep?"
"She's getting there."

Kristina places her in the bassinet & soon Sophia gets comfortable & falls asleep. Tony lifts up the sheet & blanket.
"Get in, gorgeous." She slowly creeps into bed.
"Oh my god, I've missed my bed." She cuddles up to Tony & they both fall asleep quickly. About an hour later, Sophia wakes them both up as she begins to cry. Kristina sits up & Tony comes around to get her.

He hands her a diaper & some wipes.
"Sshh. Sshh. It's ok, Sophia", he says.  Tony leans down & kisses the top of her head then softly rubs his nose in her hair. Kristina changes her diaper then dresses her back up.
"There we go, Sophia. All dry." Tony lays on his stomach facing the baby.
"Look it. It's daddy." Tony kisses her cheek.
"Hey, my beauty." Kristina touches Sophia's hand & Sophia grabs it.

Kristina tears up & Tony notices.
"What's wrong?"
"I wish my mom was here", she says sadly.
"I know, baby. I wish mine was too." He rubs her thigh. She wipes a fallen tear away.
"She's going to have your eyes."
"Yeah but she's going to look like you."

"You think?"
"Mm-hmm." Kristina leans down to touch Sophia's nose with hers. Kristina kisses her little chin.
"We love you so much, munchkin." She looks over at Tony.
"I love you." She kisses him.
"I love you too", he says as they pull away.

Baby Sophia starts to kick her legs a bit.
"Oh my goodness. What happened?", she baby talks. Kristina picks up baby Sophia & rocks her in her arms. Tony takes a photo. She looks up at Tony. Tony stares at her with a smile & pure happiness displayed on his face.
"I want to hold her too." Kristina hands Sophia over to Tony.

"Hi, my precious little angel", he says softly. Kristina takes a couple of pictures.
"Would you be ok if I take a bath?"
"Go. I got her."
"You're the best", she says kissing him.
"That I am." Kristina gets up, grabs a pair of clothes then goes to take a shower.

After her shower, she steps out & fills the tub up with warm water. She wraps a towel around herself & steps out.
"Good shower?"
"Yeah. I forgot something though." She walks to the freezer & grabs a pad. She comes back into the room.
"Shit. It slipped my mind. Go look under the sink. It was recommended for me to buy it. Go check."

She checks under the sink & sees a box.
"What's Frida mom?", she asks.
"One of the ladies at the store said it's the best product for postpartum recovery."
"I see that. That's thoughtful. Thanks, my love."
"You're welcome. Now hurry up & finish. We miss you." She chuckles.
"I'm almost done." She gets into the tub & sits in the warm water for about ten minutes. Dr. Yang said it will help heal from childbirth.

Soon, Kristina gets out to dry off then gets dressed. She braids her hair & comes back out.
"Ooh. Pigtails. Very sexy. Could use them as handle bars", he winks.
"I feel so much better", she says ignoring his comment.

"Wow. I see how it is", he jokes.
"I have to ignore your comments because we can't do anything while I'm healing."
"Fine. Fine. I'll stop", Tony says. She sits on the bed next to Tony who has laid Sophia on the bed in between his legs.
"She's so small", he says.
"I know. I can't looking at her. We made
a baby, Tony. It's crazy."

"Yeah. A little miniature version of us."
"Oh man. Sarcasm, intelligence, great hair & beautiful eyes. Whoo. She's gonna be a heartbreaker."
"Just like her momma."
"Oh please. Like her daddy." Sophia starts to fuss.
"Think someone's hungry", Tony says handing her over to Kristina.
Kristina nurses Sophia & Tony puts on a movie.

"I love Willy Wonka & the chocolate factory", Kristina says.
"You'd better. I'd divorce your ass if you didn't", he jokes. She playfully shoves him.
"Truth hurts, huh?", he jokes. She bites her tongue so she doesn't curse.
"Look at the restraint." She gives him the finger & continues watching the movie.

"You want to. Don't you, baby?" He kisses her shoulder.
"I'm only teasing."
"I know. I love you even though you're a jerk."
"I love you too."

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