Chapter 65

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Thanksgiving Day
Avengers Tower

Kristina & Tony are setting up the tables in the living room. Happy & Rhodey are keeping Sophia busy in her bedroom while David finishes up a few side dishes. Tony puts the linens on them while Kristina sets up the buffet table.

"David, you sure you don't need any help?", Tony asks.
"Nope. All good, thanks."

The elevator opens. In walks Steve, Natasha & Bruce.
"Smells amazing in here", Steve says.
"Thank you. Hey", Kristina says hugging them all.
"Brought some Apple Cider", Bruce says holding up a bottle of it.
"Nice", Tony replies.
"Can I get you guys anything to drink?", Kristina asks.

"No, I think we're all good", Natasha replies. Happy & Rhodey step in the living room with baby Sophia.
"Someone wanted to come say hi", Rhodey says. Bruce, Steve & Natasha gather around Rhodey.
"Míja, ven", David says. Kristina walks over to the kitchen.
"What's up, dad?"

"Taste", he says feeding her a spoonful of rice. Kristina savors the taste.
"It's really good", she says. Angelina & Maria step out of the elevator.
"We're here", Angelina says walking into the kitchen.
"Hi", Kristina says. Angelina hugs Kristina then David. Kristina comes over to the living room.
"Can I speak to you for a moment?", Maria whispers.

"Sure." Kristina & Maria walk into her bedroom. Kristina closes the door.
"Nice room", Maria compliments.
"Thanks. So, is everything ok?"
"Yeah. Look, this is weird for me. Seeing my mom dating someone else. It's been alot to adjust to."
"I completely understand. My dad had relationships before & it's difficult to get used to."

"Exactly. I don't want you to think I have any issue with you or your family. I don't it's just..."
"Difficult", they both say at the same time. The girls chuckle.
"They seem happy together", Maria says.
"Yeah, they do. I haven't seen my dad this happy in a very long time."

"Yeah, my mom too. Thanks for inviting us."
"You're welcome. Plus, you & your mom are pretty much family at this point", Kristina says. Tony walks in & sees them.
"Did my birthday come early?", Tony asks with a smirk.
"Shut up. We were just talking", Kristina says smacking his arm.

"Kinda figured. Sophia is hungry & I was going to help your dad bring out the food."
"Well, I'll meet you guys out there", Maria says walking out.
"You know I walked in & neither of you removed any clothing. I gotta say I'm a bit disappointed." Kristina laughs.

"You're so annoying", she says kissing him. She walks out of the room & he smacks her ass. Kristina walks into the living room & Steve hands a crying Sophia over.
"Someone is hungry", Steve says.
"Definitely is. Thank you for watching her everyone. I'll be back", Kristina replies. Kristina goes into the nursery to feed Sophia.

Tony, David & Angelina put all the food on the buffet table. Turkey, lechon, stuffing, arroz con gandules, green bean casserole, dinner rolls & salad. Everyone makes themselves a plate & sit down at the table in the living room. About twenty five minutes later, Kristina comes into the living room.
"Sophia is down."
"Make a plate & join us, gorgeous." Kristina makes a plate & sits next to Tony.

"I've never tried Puerto Rican food. It's really delicious, David", Natasha says.
"Thank you."
"The food is so good, dad. The lechon came out perfect."
"I'm glad you love it." Just then the elevator opens & in walks Genevieve & Javier.
"Sorry we're late", Javier says.
"It's cool. Make yourselves a plate", Tony says.

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