Chapter 78

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One month later

Angelina & David are waiting outside the courthouse with Tony, Sophia, Kristina & Maria.
"You guys ready?", Maria asks. Angelina & David smile at each other.
"We're ready", they both reply.
"David Ruiz & Angelina Hill?"

Everyone stands up.
"That's us."
"Right this way." They follow the official into a room. Kristina closes the door behind them.
"Are these all of the witnesses?", he asks.
"Yes", Angelina replies.
"Alright. Shall we begin?"
"Yes", they both reply.

"We are gathered here today in joining the union of David Ruiz & Angelina Hill in holy matrimony. Do you David take Angelina to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness & in health for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do", David replies.
"Do you Angelina take David to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness & in health for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do."
"You may exchange your rings." David & Angelina place their rings on each other's finger.
"In front of your witnesses, I pronounce you husband & wife. You may seal this union with a kiss."

David chuckles as he pulls Angelina in for a passionate kiss.
"Awkward", Kristina whispers to Maria. The girls chuckle. They pull apart & they clap. Not long after, they leave the courthouse.
"So where's the reception?", David asks.
"Kristina & I planned it at Betty's Bistro. We should head over now", Maria says.
"We're paying for everything", Kristina says.
"Absolutely not", Angelina replies.

"It's our present to you guys. Today's all about you", Tony adds.
"Thank you", David says hugging them.
"You're welcome, dad. Now let's go eat", Kristina chuckles. They get into their separate cars & drive over to the restaurant. Sixteen minutes later, they park in the parking lot & head inside together. They have rented out the whole restaurant & make their way to the patio. Genevieve comes up to Kristina.

"Hey girl." They cheek kiss.
"Sophia, you look so pretty. Hey Tony."
"Hey Viev." They step aside, cheering & clapping when David & Angelina make them first appearance as husband & wife. Everyone finds their seats & after overlooking the menu, everyone places their order. Kristina taps her water glass & everyone turns their attention to her. She stands up.

"My dad & I always had a typical father-daughter dynamic. Was always a daddy's girl, sitting on his knee watching football or handing him tools when he was fixing the car in the garage. Losing my mom was so devastating for the both of us." Tears fall down her cheek but she wipes them quickly.

"My mom was an amazing woman. She was a literal jack of all trades. She could make clothes, cook, bake, repair the house if my dad wasn't home. She redesigned the basement herself with no help from anyone. Losing her at twelve, changed me. I became a bit more angry & drifted from my dad. But despite the distance & everything we've gone through, every fight & every moment of sadness eventually brought us closer again. When we patched things up, I noticed that smile. A smile I hadn't seen since my mom. Angelina, you are the reason he smiles like he used to & I thank you for that. You've opened his heart to love once more & now I have a stepsister to add to our crazy family. Mamí would be so happy for you, dad." She raises her glass.

"I wish you both endless happiness. May you always treasure each other & never go to bed angry. I love you both. Cheers to the bride & groom." Everyone claps & Maria stands up right after Kristina sits down.

"David, when you entered my mom's world I wasn't very thrilled. After my parents divorce, all I wanted was for  them to be happy. Now everytime I see her, she has this....glow from love & pure happiness. After getting to know you, Kristina & your family, I began to see how perfect you two are for one another. The way you guys act around each other is true puppy love. The whispers & giggles. The constant smiles. I'm overjoyed to see you happy again, mom. That's all I wanted for you & dad. But thanks to David, I gained more family. A stepsister & I'm officially an aunt which is kind of shocking & crazy. But since our family isn't very big to begin with, I want to thank you for opening your heart to me & accepting me into your family. I cherish you David for bringing my mom back to life. Cheers!"

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