Chapter 12

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One week later
Genevieve's Beach House

Kristina's dad calls her cell to let her know he's right outside. She rushes down the stairs to open the front door. She welcomes him in.
"Looks like an amazing place."
"Yeah, it is. We're right on the beach. Do you want some coffee? I can put on a pot."
"Yeah, I'd like that."
"Ok. Follow me." Kristina takes David into the kitchen & brews a pot of coffee. David looks out the back door & watches the waves hitting the beach. Not too long after, the coffee is ready. While they sit at the kitchen table, she pours him & herself a cup of coffee.

"I think this has been a long time coming, dad." He sips his black coffee.
"I know. I'm sorry." Kristina brings out a brown paper bag of conchas & takes a deep breath.

"I know but I want you to know that I was not a stripper, dad. Burlesque can include stripping but I didn't do that. I just danced around in lingerie. It wasn't too risqué either."

"I know. I know I overreacted but I hope when you have kids, you will understand. Genevieve has been a great friend to you but I was always worried because I did catch you sneaking out with her a few times. I would worry something would happen to you. Raising you alone was hard. Harder than what I wanted to admit. I was working so much & it was alot. When you were born, it was the scariest & best day of my life. I was responsible for this new little life. Scared that I would mess it all up then you're mother died & next thing I know you're grown with a life of your own." Kristina holds his hand.

"I know that I've made alot of mistakes in my life. I know that dealing with me wasn't always so easy & I'm so so sorry for that. But it always felt like no matter what I did, it wasn't good enough. I know you hated Peter but he wasn't as bad as you thought, dad. He was sweet, caring, honest. I loved him & he loved me."

"It's not that you or anything you did wasn't good enough, Kristina. I just wanted to push you because you did & still have the potential to do anything in life. I knew Peter's father. He was a street kid. I know Peter wasn't like that but alot of his family was from the streets. I always worried about him."

"I get that, dad. I do but I always wished you would've gotten to really know Peter & see he was the opposite of his family. We still keep in contact every so often. He treated me really well but we just didn't last. He broke up with me because he said he couldn't deal with my family drama. I mean, there's more to it than that but that's what he told me. He's been working at one of the biggest labels in the music industry."

"I didn't know that. I'm so sorry. I never meant to come in between you guys."
He tears up.

"Oh dad. Don't cry. It's fine. I know you didn't mean it. It just took years for me to understand that." She tears up as well.

"I'm so, so sorry. I know I hurt you when I kicked you out. I shouldn't have done that & I've regretted it ever since. Can you ever forgive me?" She gets up & hugs him tightly.

"If I didn't forgive you I never would've texted you. You are the only parent I have left, dad. I love you." He cries harder.

"I love you so much. I never meant to push you away." They pull apart & sit down. They both wipe their tears. He clears his throat, takes a sip of his coffee & takes out a concha.

"So let's change the subject", Kristina says.

"So what's going on with you & Tony?", he says taking a bite of the concha.
"What you mean?", she asks.
"I saw they way you looked at each other when I dropped by a while back. Are you guys dating?" She laughs.

"Yeah. We broke up for a bit but he did this grand gesture & it worked very well. We're back together. It's been almost a little over a year now. We don't want a lot of people to know. He's in the spotlight so much & I don't want that. So we're keeping it low key so we have some sort of privacy from the general public."

"I get that. Does he treat you well?"
"Yeah, he does. He bought me this necklace." She lifts it up so he can see it.
He takes a good look at it.

"Wow. It's beautiful. Looks expensive."
"Probably is. I wouldn't put it past him", she chuckles. 
"So, you're his assistant? Do you work long hours?"

"Yeah, sometimes. I deal with alot but it pays great. Amazing benefits too. What about you, dad? Are you seeing anyone? How's work?"

"Work's good. Same old shit, different day. I am seeing someone but it's not serious. Well, at least not right now."
"Well, what's her name? What's she like? I need details."

"Her name's Angelina. She's been divorced for a few years now. We met through a mutual friend. We've been seeing each other for a few months."

"That's good. I'm happy for you, dad. You deserve to be happy. Mamí, would've wanted that."
"Thank you. I'm glad you're happy too. Tell Tony, he better treat you well or he'll have to deal with me." They laugh.

"I will, don't worry." They spend the rest of the day catching up on everything. Kristina orders dinner from one of her favorite restaurants in Malibu. They eat dinner in the living room so they can watch a movie together. Afterwards, they talk more & soon, her dad gets tired.

"Well, míja, I better get going", he yawns.
"Alright, dad. Thank you for coming over."
"No, thank you for inviting me. I missed spending time with my beautiful daughter." He hugs her & kisses her forehead when they pull apart.

"I love you, míja."
"I love you too, daddy. Drive safe, ok?"
"I will. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." She walks him to the door & waves at him right before he drives off. She closes the door & begins cleaning up then heads to bed.

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