Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Justin's POV:

I can't believe she's acting like this. We're finally getting revenge on the place that made her and my life hell! Who did they think they were taking her away from me?!

She deserved so much better than Lucas, and she deserved so much better than a firm that has so much baggage attached to them. It was ridiculous.

Now, I'm going to ruin their lives.

After much googling, I found who was leading the wage theft cases. I was puzzled when I read the name. Who in the hell would name their kid Rome?! Like the city of Rome.

"Dana!" I called out, but after a few minutes, there was no response. I brushed it off, thinking she was still mad at me for going after her "great opportunity." I went to the email application on the computer. My start was racing. I was doing the right thing. I WAS DOING THE RIGHT THING!

Then, my stomach rumbled. I ignored it and kept staring at the computer. Then I suddenly got a headache. How long has it been since I ate something?

I looked at the digital clock. It was three o'clock. How has it been over five hours since I ate something?

"Are you okay?" Dana spoke behind me. I let out an annoyed scream, 

"Yes, yes. I'm working on something." I tried my best to shoo her away respectfully. I was far too busy to deal with her concerns right now. I was going to make those who made life hard for her pay. 

A/N: Hi people of the interwebs! So much has happened since I last sat down to write. What has been goin on with you? Comment below!

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