Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Dana's POV:

My head is spinning and my palms are shaking. I get a text from a unknown number.


You know nothing.

I turn off my phone and put it in my purse. Alexis comes back and says,

"They know. And you're staying here." Alexia clarifies. I nod. I know her the social media page. "So, this is the only thing you could find?"

"Y-," Something is caught in my throat. "Yes."

"You okay? Are you sick?" She asks, stepping away from me.

"No, no. I-I'm fine." I sound like a dying cat.

"Who's the girl?" She asks, stepping closer to the screen.

"Looks like a girlfriend but can't say for sure." I lie through my teeth. Just like he lied to me for years.

"What do we know about the girlfriend?" She asks. I shake my head,

"Not much. Only a few pictures and she had only two posts for the past two years." I say. She bites her lip.

"Interesting." She fidgets with a stress ball. I raise my eyebrow.

"Why do you have a stress ball?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"So I don't end up in jail." She says. I nod sympathetically.

"Do you and Lucas have any history?" I pull up a chair and sit down. She does the same.

"No, just worked together. Until someone found out about his lie." She said. I nodded, trying to think things through.

"How did they found out?" I question.

"Someone snitched. Don't know who. A note was written to check the databases." She gave me the note.

"You never thought to run the handwriting?" I ask. Why did I ask that?! That sounds so stupid.

"No, science isn't that advance yet." She looks confused at my question. Like hopelessly confused.

"Sorry," I quickly apologize. She looks almost sympathetic.

"No need to apologize. There are no stupid questions." She says quickly. I hum at her response.

"Let's go get some food. I'm hungry." She says in a way that seems...depressing? I'm not too sure how to describe it but seems to be the only word in the English language.

"Sure, let's go." I grab my stuff and we head out.


"Where are we?" I ask. It seems a little fancy for lunch but there's no sign that this is open either.

"Just a cute place I found searching the internet. The sign is right there." She points towards the sign that says  "Lu's Place."

"It sounds like Lucas." I point out before going inside.

A/N: First chapter back after a long break! :) thanks for reading!

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