Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Dana's POV:

The office is throwing me a party to celebrate. There's drinks and food from a local restaurant. Justin is by himself drinking punch. I attempt to walk over but am stopped by several people.




I eventually made it over to him. He sipped the last bit left.

"Are you excited?" He asked, almost coldly.

"Uh, yeah. I'm excited." I grab a cup.

"There's cake!" Someone yelled. The entire office swarms in like bees.

"Did they really have to bring in a cake?" Justin asked.

"Boss insisted on this party, remember? I hate parties." I said, going towards the front.

"We're so proud of you! One of our junior attorneys is working on a high-profile case." A senior attorney that I had spoken to a few times said. They were laughing and smiling. It was like they were going to California. I saw Justin roll his eyes. I smiled as I took a few pictures.

"Thanks for the party. But I don't think this was all necessary." I took a bite of the chocolate cake.

"A junior attorney going to California for a high-profile case. Of course, we have to celebrate." Mary, my boss said happily.

"I'm really proud of you." Justin said, once Mary was busy talking to one of her co-workers.

"Thanks." I smile lightly.

Maybe moving to California won't be too bad.

I help clean up the remains of garbage and leftover food.

"I'll take this home." I announce to the group. They all sigh of relief and thank me. They state that they cannot have cake in their home. I laugh it off. Once everything is cleaned, I'm happy to get back to work for a few hours to recover.


Justin's POV:

Once work hours are over, I walk over to Dana's cubicle to see if she's still here.

"Da-" I stop when she's not here. That strikes me as odd but I don't think anything of it. My phone buzzes,


Got off early. Started packing for California.

I slightly frowned at the message. Everyone else is starting to leave for the day and people are squeezing pass me.

This sucks. If she's leaving for California, I should go with her!

An idea popped into my brain. I go to her computer and guess her password. It honestly was not that hard.

To whom it may concern,

I would like to make a request. I would like to bring an experienced attorney with me. His name is Justin Bieber.

-Dana Lane

It was sent. I shut off her computer and left the office. She is going to be so happy!

A/N: Oh my gosh! Did you think Justin was going to do that? What do you think will happen? Don't forget to vote and comment!

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