Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
*One week later*
Dana's POV:

"Okay, I finally found the facts," Alexia says, plopping down a file about two inches thick. I flip the pages. The number on the last page is 448.

"How is the statement of facts 448 pages long?" I mumble. I pray she doesn't hear me. I grab a highlighter. "What is this case about?"

"Someone falsely accused the firm of wage theft." She exhales a tired sigh. "Let's just say he butchered an important case."

"Who?" I ask, freezing up. There's has to be two possibilities.

"A law school graduate by the name of Lucas Alaister. He tried claiming he graduated a year earlier than he actually did. When we went to fire him, he quit. Apparently, he works somewhere in New York." She says. "Anyway, highlight and I need a better statement on facts that isn't 448 pages long."

"Who writes statement of facts that's 448 pages long?" I ask, not really expecting a real answer.

"Someone that doesn't want us to win." She leaves. "Oh, I'm getting coffee. We're going to be here a while."

"Caramel macchiato!" I yell. I don't know if she hears me. When I don't hear her footsteps, I pull out my phone. I see a notification.

Sent a link.
Attorney Lawsuit turns out to be Fake.

How did you know I was going to ask you that?

I have my ways.

Alexia comes back with the coffees. She hands me the caramel macchiatto.
"The press already has a storyline," I say. She takes a sip before saying anything.

"Fucking hell."

We drink coffee. I highlight. She lets out a string of curse words every so often.

*Time Skip*

"Hey, the building is about to close." I look up from my work to see a janitor. I blush.

"Sorry, I didn't realize it was so late." I start quickly packing up.

"I didn't either." Alexia comes up from behind him. We leave together.

"Does that always happen?" I ask as we walk out together. It's dark as we walk down the street. "What time is it?"

"7:30," Alexia spoke. Because the apartment was so close to the firm, we were at my building in no time. "You'll be great here."

A/N: 👀 Lies upon lies. Can the boys keep up with so many lies? Do you like Alexia? Do you want more of her? Comment below! Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it!

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