Chapter 31

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Chapter 31
Justin's POV:

It's been a little over twenty four hours since we've talked. I've sent text messages and no response. Should I call?

It's a Saturday morning and I can't even enjoy it. Is she cheating on me? I should've told her I didn't want her to go.

I decide to change from my ripped up t-shirt that I wore to bed last night to a nicer one. Maybe an hour run will calm my anxiety.

I put in my headphones and start running to nowhere. I still keep my sound on for calls from her. How long has it been since she called? A week, maybe? I haven't been keeping track. Has Lucas gotten to her?

I hear a buzz and the screen has lit up. I scramble to see if it's from her. It's not! It's just some stupid marketing email. I put my phone into my pocket. Music is blasting through my ears as I run through New York.

The running gives me an alrgraine rush to buy the soonest plane ticket to Los Angeles. I'm coming, Dana. You won't be alone forever.

I see the checkout button and pause. Am I doing the right thing?

*Los Angeles*
Dana's POV:

The popcorn bowl is empty, Rome and Alexia has fallen asleep and the credits are rolling. Careful not to wake them up, I search for the remote. I don't know what time it is so I figure I should turn on my phone.

Text messages from Justin that were sent hours ago flood the screen once again. My ears are pounded with his text tone every second. All of them are saying the same basic idea of "I miss you. Text me."

I swipe to open the messages. I hit the like button on one of them and nothing further. I hear snoring in the background. Rome snores? Lovely.

I play on my phone until they wake up.


They stir from their sleep. They look at me, then at each other, then to me. I put my phone down.

"How long have we been asleep?" Rome asks. I shrug.

"When did we start watching movies?"

They both shrug.

"You should probably go home." Rome says. Alexia agrees.

"I'll order an Uber." I say. This is the most fun I've had since I've moved here. I should stay.

Can we facetime?

A/N: Justin is getting a little controlling. 👀 Should Dana stay in LA?

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