Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Dana's POV:

I walked into my cubicle and set my stuff down. I turned on my desktop. I'm immediately intrigued when I see an email from the firm in California.


We are happy to provide a more experienced attorney with this opportunity if you decide to not do it under our guidance. Please let us know if this is the case.

I read the email twice. I email them back quickly saying I can do the case under their guidance. I step away from my desk.

How did this happen? Did I give off a impression that I didn't want it? Who hacked into my email? Who would want to sabotage me?

"Dana!" I hear Justin's voice behind me. I try to perk up.

"Hi, J. How are you?" I smile. He hands me my coffee order.

"Good. How do you like it?" He asks as I take a sip. I nod. The air is calm.

"It's good. Who has access to our email passwords?" I ask. He looks confused and tilts his head to the side.

"No one should know your password. Did you give it to someone?" He asks.

"No. Does the office have a data base for passwords?" I ask. He shakes his head, no.

"Only security questions." He responds.

"Oh okay. I think someone hacked my email. I got an email from the firm in California saying they would give the job to someone else if I couldn't do it." I say slowly.

"Did you clear up the mishap?" He asks. I nod.

"Good. Wouldn't want you to lose it." He shows his pearly whites. We talk a little bit more over coffee before heading back to work.

Justin's POV;

That didn't go as planned. I needed to go something else to get her to stay here with me.

I can hear her laughing on the phone. I walk by her cubicle and stop when I can hear what she's saying.

"I don't know who sent it." She said chuckling. "Okay, thank you." She hangs up. I quickly walk back to my office. I sigh in frustration.

I start doing research for a court appearance I have coming up in a month. I dial to schedule my client for us to go over her testimony.

So, tomorrow at 3 pm?" I ask into the phone. The office starts getting hot but I ignore it.
I look at the calendar I have hanging up. It's April 5th, 2021. My eyes grow wide.

"Yes, tomorrow at 3 works." The client said. We say our good byes and hang up. I sprint to Dana's cubicle.

"When are you leaving for California?" I try to catch my breath. She looks at me as if I've lost my mind.

"Friday, the seventh. My flight leaves at eight o'clock. Are you okay?" She asks concerned. She stands up and hands me the small bottle of water she has on her desk.

"Yes, I'm fine." I chug the water like my life depends on it. I need to work out more. "Do you want to go out tonight?"

"Um, yes. It's been a while since we've had a proper date night." She says smiling.

"Great. I'll pick you up at seven." I say. Maybe this will help soften the blow? I mean, I didn't mean to sabotage her. I wanted to help her.

"Can't wait." She says. She turns back to her computer. She's reading something very intensely. I can't quite make out the context.

"Uh, what are you r-reading?" I stutter out. Without breaking focus, she clicks the down row before responding.

"The facts on this case." She says. She's in the mode of "don't talk to me, I'm focusing" so I do the smart thing and leave.


Justin's POV:

I'm standing outside her apartment in a white suit, and roses. I knock on the door. My palms are sweaty. I grip the flowers tightly. I hear the door slowly open. Dana is in a modest blue dress with medium length sleeves.

"W-ow. You look beautiful." I say. She steps out and we walk to the restaurant because this is New York. 

"Woah, it's kinda cold." Dana comments. Her sleeves go down to her elbows. Once we get to the restaurant, we're lucky to find that there's no wait time.

"Hi, table for two." I tell the hostess. She seats us right away.

A/N: That's chapter 11. Do you think Dana will find out about Justin's betrayal? If so, what do you think she'll do. Comment your predictions! Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading.

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