Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Day of Flight*

Dana's POV:

I'm doing a last-minute check before calling a taxi to get me to New York Airport. My flight leaves at 10:00 a.m. It's 7:30 a.m right now when I check my phone for the billionth time in the last five minutes. I finally close my suitcase, grab my purse, and double-check I have everything written down for my neighbor across the hall that offered to watch my apartment.

I walked out of my apartment. I won't see this apartment for three months. I won't see my boyfriend. I won't see the waiter that always takes our orders at the Japanese place. I won't see the co-workers that I have seen on the daily walk to my cubicle. I won't see the computer that was always filled with emails.

The cab driver rolls up and asks for my name. He takes my suitcase and puts it in the trunk of the car. I show him the address of NYC Airport and we start the forty-five-minute drive. I put on my headphones and proceed to ignore the world.

*At the Airport*

Once we get to the airport, I pay him with a digital payment method as he gets the suitcase out of the trunk. I thank him and walk into the airport. It's crowded but not too crowded for a Friday morning. I was expecting it to be a little bit more chaotic.

I check in my bag and directly go through security. It's a relatively painless process which is not typical but I don't question it. I look at my ticket. B23 is my gate. I look for signs that might lead me in the right direction. My eyes lock on the sign, B23. I bolt to the gate. Then, my stomach growls. Why must you be hungry at the most inconvenient time?

The gate is already for fill up as the time reads 8:20 a.m on the clock above me. I see that there is a little bakery. It better serve coffee. I go and order a small caramel iced latte. I scroll through my social media as I wait. A notification from Justin shows up.

From: Justin ❤️

Have a safe trip, baby.

I smile. I hear over the Intercom, "Boarding flight 223 to Los Angeles, California in thirty-five minutes." 

This is it.

A/N: Chapter 13 is done! A filler chapter that will lead to big stuff later. Any ideas as to what might happen? Comment if you have predictions! Don't forget to vote and share on your socials if you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading. :)

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