Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Dana's POV:

As I stood there in the meeting, I had never felt so small in my life. Everytime I tried sharing an idea on a case, I would get shutdown.

"Let the real lawyers do the work."

"Why did you let an intern in?"

"Is she a law student?"

"She's so cute."

"I really like her clothes."

Those are a few of the comments I had received. When the meeting concluded, Justin looked at me with concerning eyes. When they were out of sight, I finally let the tears drop. They fell like a waterfall, angry at the world.

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea that they would act like that." He apologized. He went to give a hug, but I declined.

"You don't need to give me a sympathy hug," I said, trying to hide my tears as I went to the restroom with my purse. I stared at the mirror for what seemed to be forever. My mascara was already running down my cheeks. I grab a paper towel and start dabbing to get it off. My face looks red and my eyes look bloodshot. I quickly wash my face and reapply makeup.

When I exit the restroom, Justin is standing outside the door. I jump back and almost fall. My ankle is in an awkward position but he ends up catching me at the last minute.

"Do you want to get lunch? I hear that there is an excellent Japanese place up the block." He says. I take breath and without thinking said,

"Sure. I would love that."

"Great. Let's go." He said excitedly. With that said, we went up the block to the place. It was a brick wall with one door. One way in and one way out. A couple was walking out of the establishment. Both of us stepped aside so they could leave.

"Hokori." I read out loud. Justin grabbed my arm and dragged me in to the place. It was bright with smiling staff. There were Japanese characters on the wall.

"This place is cute." I comment. A waiter came by and gave us menus. Justin started flipping through the menu. I was staring at the characters on the wall.

"Hokori means pride." He said, smiling.

"I didn't know you spoke Japanese," I say, shocked. A waiter came by.

"ご注文ちゅうもんは?" He said. (May I take your order?) I look at Justin; I'm completely lost.

"二人ともビーフヌードルをいただきます." (We'll have the beef noodles.) He said. I stare at him, shocked.

"I didn't know you spoke J-Japanese so well." I continue to sound shocked. He smiles and it's as wide as a football field. The waiter leaves with our order. The restaurant becomes loud again.

"Thanks. I lived in Japan for a few years as a college student." He comments. My stomach growls. He laughs at this and I shrink in my seat. We don't say anything until the waiter comes by. I let Justin do all the talking because he seems to enjoy this. When he's done, he turns his attention back to me.

"I come once a week to keep my Japanese fresh." He admits. I acknowledge him and he the waiter is coming by with sodas. I smile as big as I can.

"You seem thirsty." He says. I finish drinking before I respond.
"I sweat a lot when I get nervous." I set my cup down.
A/N: That's chapter 2. Did you expect Justin in this story to speak Japanese? Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment.

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