Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Dana's POV:

I cancelled my lease agreement with my landlord when I moved to California. I didn't expect to be back here yet-or at all- if I'm being honest with you. I'm so tired that my legs feel like they will give out at any moment but I press on. Where? I couldn't tell you.

I walk a block more and notice one of those chain hotels. I know New York people are suppose to scoff at them but I'm desperate. I walk in with my one suitcase and purse. The receptionist is typing something on their computer completely ignoring me.

I cough to get their attention. They break from their trance looking at me wide eye. I see a tiny star tattoo on their ear.

"Hi, how can I help you?" They ask. I tell them what I want and I'm given the last available room for two nights. I accept happily.

Once I make it to the room which is on the first floor, I jam the key card into the slot. The door swings open hitting the wall behind it. After getting my suitcase in the room, I realize it's a lot bigger than I imagine.

There is one queen size bed at the very corner of the room. It's barely giving space to enter and exit the bed from two sides. The night side is square and smaller than the typical one at the store. The lamp that is sitting on top is circular and the lightbulb is showing from the top. There is a desk with a notepad and a single pen. The landline phone is on the other side of the desk.

I throw my suitcase on the bed, pulling out the pink night gown I had packed and going to bed. I can deal with everything in the morning. It doesn't take long for my eyes to feel heavy. I fall asleep on the blue cloud of sheets with a snuggly comforter on top of me.


My eyes shot open; I scan the room only seeing a tiny bit of light peak through the curtains. I suddenly remember what had happened in the past twenty four hours. I sit up, suddenly awakening feeling in my legs. They are sore and it takes way too much effort to flip them to the side of the bed to stand.

Rubbing my eyes, the light becomes a lot brighter. I turn away to shield my eyes but it does little to help. Looking down I navigate through the room to my suitcase, trying to remember what I packed.

Without looking at the clothes, I throw them on my body. I feel gross as the fabric touches my body. I'm starting to regret not showering the previous night. I grab my phone and keycard to find some breakfast-or at the very least-coffee.

The long way is long with many brown doors to other rooms on each side. The elevator is in its own room. I press the down button, the door opens in less than sixty seconds.

"Elevator going down." The automatic voice rang in my ear as the door closed. Once it was at the lobby, the door chimed open.

"Door open." It said as it was opened. I stepped out quickly, scared it would close on me. It doesn't take long to find breakfast. I grab some cereal and sit down. I see someone at the corner of my eye.

A/N: Another update done! Who do you think she saw? Do you think she saw anyone? Put your predictions in the comments below! Don't forget to vote if you liked it.

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